Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Practicing Listening and Integrating for Greater Clarity #187

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 187

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Ever caught yourself ignoring those intuitive nudges? Maybe the task ahead felt like a daunting mountain, or you felt unprepared for the step the universe was urging you to take. We’ve all felt that resistance, and it can often lead to a dry spell in our well of inspiration.

But here's a little secret: to unlock fresh insights from the spiritual realm, you first need to embrace and act on the guidance you've already received. Those messages didn’t arrive by accident—they came just when you needed to hear them, even if you weren't ready to spring into action.

In this episode of Modern Life and Spirit, we dive into the power of taking action—even when you’re feeling hesitant—and the importance of integrating your spiritual messages to avoid major blocks in your intuition.

Feeling like your well of inspiration is running low? Lean in, listen up, and let us guide you back to the path of clarity and connection. 🌈✨

About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Robert Wooten:

How often have you heard some great advice or information that would be useful in your life, but then you didn't actually implement any of that and regretted it later? Well, today we're talking about how you can learn to listen better, and practice actually integrating the information that you receive.


Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world, your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey, they're kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spear podcast. This is Christina Wooten certified psychic medium at Sedona Hi, Robert. So glad to have you back today.

Robert Wooten:

Well, hello, I am Reiki master teach Robert wooten and I am really glad to be back this

Christina Wooten:

past week has been really wild we've had it's almost been a little bit of a whirlwind, we'd have family in town, my son's turned 18. And graduated, it's been a rite of passage, I think, for us for our whole family. And it seems like all of this celebratory time has been crammed into a small period. But it's really beautiful to just be able to get together to celebrate big milestones for one another,

Robert Wooten:

it's nice to be able to honor those transitions right to, to really give them the space they need to be able to be expressed. And for to be able to feel the the moment of what this means and what it leads to what it's like right being on the step when you're moving into something else. And I think that needs to be honored. I'm glad we've been able to do that.

Christina Wooten:

It's a weird transition space. And I've noticed that as I've gotten closer and closer to this time that other mom friends haven't talked about how weird this time is how suddenly it's like there's 18. And then this idea of what that all means. And you know, your role is shifting and changing in such a big way. It just, it's a strange, strange time.

Robert Wooten:

I think that leads us into what we're talking about today. And that is, when we find ourselves in these big moments, we find ourselves in these places of new territory, it's a time to listen in for deeper guidance to ask the questions of like, what does this mean? How do I move forward? What guidance can you receive to help you make the next right steps? I think what we really want to talk about today is learning to do that very process of learning to listen deeper, and learning to integrate the things that you are hearing. Whenever you ask the big questions. A lot of times what happens is we are constantly thinking our next thought, What should I say? How should I respond? And not so much? How do we listen to what maybe we are told from either people or from information that we're receiving, and then taking that information and integrating it. And that has implications through a lot of streams in our lives, not only in our communication abilities with people and people close to us, or mentors and people who are helping guide us, but also on a deeper level to our spirit guides and to the intention that we have of what will we do with the information once we've asked the question, and they give us the answer. Right, right.

Christina Wooten:

One of the things that comes up when I'm working with people on their intuition blocks is, you know, I might ask, especially if they're feeling really, really blocked, like it just, I'm not getting anything, I feel disconnected. I just feel like my guides are hearing me or I'm being heard. But there's no response back. And I don't understand what's happening. And sometimes what's happening is that spirit is telling me, I've been telling them this, this this over and over and over again. And they're not following through. They're not responding. They're not acting on it. I don't have anything new to say, until they take that next step. And depending on how blocked we are around taking that next step determines you know how difficult it is for us to move forward. It's so important to integrate the messages that you get. This helps us to avoid overwhelm. You're not getting overloaded with tons and tons of new information but not actually doing anything with it and not changing your consciousness and not responding and acting to the energy that's there. It helps you to enhance your focus and make things a little bit clearer what you should be paying attention to and responding to rather than all the distractions in the world and helps you to actually deepen that spiritual practice and take things to the next level to create true shift within yourself which is in turn, what creates your circumstances, experiences and the external world that you're experiencing. And of course, is part of that. We walk into alignment when we are really integrating at a high level. But the truth is, sometimes we just hear things we don't want to hear. And we need to hear them. Because it's pushing us, it's pushing us to grow in a direction that maybe we don't want to grow, to shake off old trauma, to change, to heal, to grow, to develop in a different level. And that requires deep digs, deep dives, and effort. I remember when we moved to Sedona, and we had lived here a few years, and it had definitely been a challenging transition to go from North Carolina to them being in this energy consistently, all the time, was really, really intense. And it's definitely this cleansing healing being in that all the time. And it's

Robert Wooten:

it was different to visit it there was to live in it, it

Christina Wooten:

was a big evolution to undertake at one time. And I feel like that two years was this huge transition process. And I remember that towards the end of that two years, I had felt so guided before, and then suddenly, some things started to shift. And I felt that same feeling that I described earlier, where you're just talking and it's like, where's the direction? What am I supposed to be doing next, and it would just be nothing, I just felt like there wasn't anything coming through. And of course, that was strange, because I could go into a reading and sit with somebody and be like, blah, blah, blah, blah, oh, these things are happening in this lab. One is here, and this is what's going on in your life. So I knew it was a block within myself. And one day I was driving, which of course is one of the best time to get messages when your brains dings on the outs. So I was driving down the road, I was kind of bemoaning this to my guides. And I heard you're not going to get anything new until you let go of blank, which we have already told you about. And I had had this very clear message over several weeks before that it was time for me to let go with something that I just didn't want to let go of I had invested a lot of time, effort, money energy into something. And it had served a really beautiful purpose and had had a lot of value. But I kept getting that message that it was time to move forward. And I just didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to hear it. What I was really interested in is well how can it evolve? How can it change? How can it grow? But essentially what I was saying is I still want it to say the same, just be a little bit better. How can we do that. And my guides were so clear until you walk away from this, you won't get anything now. And it was so clear that that day I went home and wrote the email and said, You know, I'm I'm releasing this, I need to let go. And this is the exit plan. As soon as I did that, the floodgates opened up, it was like boom, boom, boom, all this blockage that I had had now that I had taken that big, huge momentous step. Now it was time for all the direction to come forward. What I didn't realize at the time was that I had the direction already, I just had to act on the direction that I received. And so this is why it's so important to pay attention to yourself into your relationship with your guides, your guides are never going to step away from you. So if you are feeling that sense of what's going on what's happening, what are you getting, that you're not responding to, if you are asking for messages over and over and over again, and you're responding, you're reacting to those messages, you're integrating them you're following through, then your guides are gonna deliver more of that to you. But if you're just asking for stuff, and then you're never following through, you're never doing anything different. You're not changing, you're not reacting, you just keep asking for validation without actually doing anything with things that you're receiving. Your guides are gonna go, she's not ready, he's not ready. They're not ready for this. And things are gonna get quiet until you demonstrate I am ready for this. I am ready to take ownership and go to the next level. The image

Robert Wooten:

that I get is like imagine if you're in a maze, and you're walking down these paths, and you're making these choices of left right straight, and you can only see the path that you're on. You can only see the direction that you're going you can't see farther ahead. You can't see what's around the corner. But somebody above you could look down at what you're doing and see exactly where you should go. They can see ahead that that's going to be a stop. It's going to be a dead end. You're not going to go any further and they're telling you hey, don't don't go straight ahead and turn right if you go right you'll go the right direction. You'll had the more productive path. But you're not listening. You're just following ahead. You're trying to go with what you're doing. And you're like, yeah, yeah, no, no, but I like this path. And so I'm going to keep going down this path, they can clearly see that that's not going to be productive. And finally, you do get to the end of it. And you say, Well, what direction should I go? And they say, Well, we've been telling you the whole time, you were supposed to turn right back there, you know, quite a ways to go. But you weren't listening, you didn't integrate what we were telling you. And therefore, now you're blocked, and you're stuck, staring at this wall, bemoaning the fact that you don't know which way you should go now, because you didn't listen. Now you got to back up, possibly, and then follow the path and learn to listen to the direction that you're giving. And then integrate the information that they give you. They told you to turn right, you have to actually turn right, you can't just pass it by and look at it and go, Yeah, that's a good way to go. But I'm gonna keep going this way. You actually have to turn and go the path that you're supposed to be going on. Yeah, I

Christina Wooten:

mean, I think attachment really holds us back attachment to the idea of what we want from something our belief, you know, the fantasy that we've created, around something in the hope that we have for it. And sometimes that attachment really holds us back in big ways from continuing to what the next step is, sometimes things are in your path to take you, you know, it's a stepping stone versus it being the end destination or the end journey. And that was the case for my situation was that that experience was a stepping stone, but I wanted it to be an end destination. And it wasn't for that to be as an intuitive person. Over the years, I've definitely learned that, even if I get a message that I don't like, if it's clear, I react to it, I move forward from it. Because I've certainly learned to not react to those things in the past. And the heartache that it's brought me afterwards by not taking the easy route. I think our spirit guides are giving us the easy route at times, they're giving us the shortcut. Here's the path. Now that doesn't mean it doesn't require work. And it isn't hard and you know, sometimes challenges our core, and makes us keep growing. But it's always the easiest path is what our guides will show us. So like you're describing, they're going oh, this way, and they'll go well, but let's go this way, and then maybe a little bit this way. But I've certainly learned how important it is when I haven't followed through with the guidance. It's been that regret that oh, man, you know, and that regret sometimes sits with you. For a long time. I wish that I had done this earlier. I wish that I had got out of this years ago, so that I could have the life that I'm living now.

Robert Wooten:

But that's another point, isn't it? Because when you look backwards, and you recognize the places where you didn't listen to your guidance, I think that's an opportunity for you to say, I will make the resolve from this point forward. Exactly. Listen,

Christina Wooten:

it becomes a motivator, right? Don't

Robert Wooten:

don't look backward with regret and say, Oh, I wish I had, and I didn't. And I'm a terrible person because I didn't do those things. And I screwed up my whole life. And I'm a failure. Yeah, you can't do anything about that. It's what is it, you have to give up all hope for having a better past.

Christina Wooten:

But I think it gives the courage. When you're faced with something tough or something you don't want to do. And you go, Okay, this is going to be better than what's going to happen. If I don't listen to the guidance that I'm receiving. I know this is the best and easiest path. So I can take it now. And it just gives you that sense of courage to act when it's something that you're maybe resistant to

Robert Wooten:

there's a bit of trust in that. Do you think, yes, learning to trust the messages that you're getting? We've had a podcast about that, you know, how many times have you read a book, self help book of some sort, that was a great book has great information on it. But you put it aside and said, Well, that was interesting, and you go into the next book, and you don't really take any of the information from that book and integrate it. I know some people I've read talk about the fact that when they have a good book, they'll write notes about the things that were important to them in that book. When you find something of value, you write it down. That's a method of integrating that information, you're showing that it meant something to you by actually taking the moment to write it down. When you write it down. You're reinforcing it into your own life into your own memory banks of this was something of value. And I want to make sure I keep that someplace where I can refer to it again, or I can remember it again by going back through your notes one day. But I think that we have to find ways to do that is like when you've heard something or you've read something or you've been exposed to something that really seems to have value to you or is a clear message to you, rather than writing it down is a good way to start that process. Right.

Christina Wooten:

So let's talk about integration. I think the very first step is to always take the message and break it into actionable steps. So if your message is it's time for you to Step away from this relationship, this job, this situation, or it's time for you to really believe in yourself and put yourself out there more, then those are somewhat abstract, it gives you some direction. But there's some gaps to be filled in there. So at that point, it's thinking about, well, what are those gaps? What do you need to do to be able to feel confident to feel at peace with leaving that situation? Or in the example of believing in yourself? How do you get there? How do you make that tangible? And break it down into an actionable step? And so that's what I advise you to do is to think about what the message is that you've been receiving break it into an actionable step, what do you need to be able to do that? How can you supplement your knowledge? How can you supplement your wisdom? How can you create the conditions that will help you actually move forward? Because I think that spirit is really supportive of us, when we are showing, yes, I am taking action in this I am moving forward. So they're not saying tomorrow, you have to go quit your job. But they are saying it's time for you to make tangible progress in doing that, whatever that message happens to be. So focus on how do you get there? How do you change your mindset? How do you supplement your knowledge? How do you create the conditions that will help you make the change that you need to make and create a goal set a time limit for okay, this is ideally when I'd like to be able to say I've made that transition and this is how I'm going to get there, this is how I'm going to do that. And spirit along the way will reveal more information. So if you get stuck along the way, and you're like, Ah, I don't know, I'm really struggling with this spirits gonna drop down. And next thing you know, you're going to be on astral travels and getting more messages in your dreams or getting more direction in your daily life or that book that you need. That's going to give you a new mindset is going to pop into your hands without even making a whole lot of effort. But just keep making those strides, those micro shifts and micro changes. And it's going to add up into making that big change. But keep that big goal in mind as you move forward. That's the biggest thing towards integration is actually start to make movements start to make changes that impact your physical world, the way that you do things. And that is going to demonstrate Yes, I'm ready. And I'm ready for continued guidance to help me continue to make this transition.

Robert Wooten:

Right. One of the ways we can learn to listen deeper also is to practice that very act with the people that we're interacting with. So if you're having a conversation with someone, rather than constantly thinking of, what are you going to say next? What are you going to react to what they're saying, take a step back and listen to what they're actually saying. It's okay, if there's a pause after they talk, and then you think about what they said, to react to that. But by practicing learning to listen, even on a physical level, you are sending the message higher up that you are now open to this new way of listening to the information that you're receiving and actually receiving the information.

Christina Wooten:

I think that when we show courage, when we show willingness, when we show trust, and when we make actionable changes, our spirit guides are there supporting us cheering us along. And even if we get stuck along the way, they're going to help us to take that next stepping stone or find a bridge to help us to get to that level of consciousness that we really need to get to. It's okay if you hear a message and you say, I'm just not there yet. Like I can't figure out how to get there. Then ask for help. Ask for direction, ask for support. And one way or another, you'll find the support that you need to be able to make the change that needs to be had in the moment and to arise to the person who's ready for those circumstances. Thank you so much for joining us today. We're so grateful to be able to share this wisdom, information and our experience from spirit with you so you can continue to develop your intuition and integrate at the highest level your spiritual growth we'd love it if you take a moment and give us a five star rating and review wherever it is that you're listening to us just look down each phone and go ahead and rate and review that really helps other people to see this information so that we can spread this message throughout the world. Namaste many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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