Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Finding Your Mid- Year Mojo: 4 Questions to Propel You Forward #188

• Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten • Season 3 • Episode 188

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Can you believe we are already half way thru the year?!
How is the energy flowing for you right now?

It's June and at this midway point, it's the perfect time for a gentle pause and soulful realignment. In this week's episode of the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast, join us as we explore the four questions you need to be asking in your mid-year review to realign your energy. 

🌿 "Finding Your Mid-Year Mojo"  is about tapping into your deepest energies and realigning with your true spirit. We'll  share 4  powerful questions and insights that will help you reflect on your journey so far and adjust your path with heart and intention.

From understanding your personal growth to recalibrating your intentions, this episode will help you flow with life's energies more authentically. 

Sometimes, the most significant transformations begin with a simple question.

About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Christina Wooten:

What is the key to a phenomenal year lies in the questions that you ask yourself right now. Now we're in June. We're in the middle of the year and I'm sharing four powerful questions to help you realign and re energize for your mid year review.


Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey, there kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and Spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium at and I'm here today with Robert. Hi, Robert.

Robert Wooten:

Hello, I am Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten. Welcome, welcome. Welcome

Christina Wooten:

everybody to the show. And to the month of June, this is our first episode for June in June always gets me thinking about, it's a midway point in the year, it's always getting me thinking about, wow, we're coming in this time where we're crossing this threshold of halfway. And it's a good time for a check in a review to see if the energy that we've put in place in the month of January is really carrying us forward in the way that feels resonant and authentic and meaningful and directed. As we continue the rest of the year. I think it's always important when we think about energy, our state of energy, and the energy of what it is that we're creating, we're building we're sharing and participating in is the energy is a state of flow, it's a state of being and we have to reevaluate, we have to check in, we have to be present with that energy and the way that it wants to flow also, so that we are staying in alignment, because it can be easy for the mind or the ego to jump in and start like okay, you've you've brought it here, let me take it from here. And then before you know it, you're down the line, and you've been putting in effort and you've been putting in energy and you're running on a treadmill, and you're not really getting anywhere. And that's what I wanted to talk about today is now that we're in this prime space of mid year, we really have an opportunity to look into how has the energy we've been putting in place this year? How is it manifesting? How is it showing up in our lives? How are we feeling in relationship to that? And what new insights is it bringing forward for us so that we can use this awareness, to tweak to shift to adjust and to make sure that we're really flowing with the energy that wants to be here rather than resisting and insisting and getting out of flow? I

Robert Wooten:

think it's important to have these markers throughout the year to keep you on track with the flow of time. And assessment of goals, right? I think as you are starting the year, you've got all this great energy of momentum, moving forward, and enthusiasm, trying to set goals and trying to do things. And then it seems like the first part after that is sort of implementation, you're trying to put things in place that align with those goals and will keep moving you forward. But then there comes a point where you do feel like you're running on a treadmill, just sort of you've got these things implemented, but then life happens, right? So you're, you're reacting, you're responding, you're moving in some direction. And I think as as we hit this marker of the halfway point of the year, it's really good idea to take a look back, and then also take a look forward at the same time. And was that heard one time is is the path you're on going to lead you to the destination you want. And so you have to check your path and see if you are actually on that path that's trying to lead you to the goal that you said at the beginning of the year? Or do you need to really assess the goal and maybe move it a little bit to be something that, like you're saying is more of what's actually manifesting versus what you thought you wanted to manifest in the beginning of the year.

Christina Wooten:

One of the things that spirit has taught me is how important it is not to focus so much on the actions. Our world tells us so much that it's about what you do. You've got to do this and you got to do this and you've got to wake up at 4am and get get to the gym and you've got to do this and it becomes this emphasis on action, productivity, movement doing and spirit has always taught me that it's more important to focus on your state of being your state of energy that from that is born. Our priorities are actions which are determined by that state of being. And if we're really centric in the state of being that we want to create and grounded in that, then naturally everything flows and forms in a perfect way without so much hard work and pushing and grinding and that hustle culture type of energy that is so addictive, but also so unfulfilling. So this is really our opportunity to get into the mojo of what can we do in our state of being, to be really present to be really insightful and to be really aware and stay in that alignment so that we don't get lost in the seduction, of goals and activities and just doing doing doing rather than trusting that by being, we are naturally creating in that way our actions are formed through our state of being our rate of vibration, what it is that we are authentically expressing in that moment in that time, and it doesn't require as much effort. When we're truly in that authentic vibration, we're not having to make ourselves do things, it becomes something that's naturally flowing from us from our expression, from our vibration, we're attracted to certain things and we begin to repel other things that aren't quite right for us in that moment, what you're

Robert Wooten:

really talking about there, it sounds like is alignment, if you are in alignment with the flow that is moving through your life, or that you're the flow that is your life, when you're in alignment with that things do seem to come easier than whenever you are paddling upstream or side stream, and you're not in alignment with with that flow. Yes,

Christina Wooten:

I've definitely learned that energy is the most important component to any creation at all. It starts and is held by and sustained by the energy that you're bringing forward in the moment. It's not any of the other sexy stuff that gets us distracted. It's in the energy. This is why meditation can be important and your practices can be important. Talking to spirit and connecting with the other side and readings. That kind of stuff is important because it keeps us grounded in the right energy, we can create a really beautiful quality of life from that space, not from tasks. And doing doing should be secondary to the energy that you're bringing forward and starting with every single day. So when we think about this mid year Mojo, I want to preface this by saying I'm going to share four questions with you that are just thought provoking questions, they're asking you to take a little bit of a deeper dive based on where you are right now thinking about what you've put into motion. So maybe you have a vision board that you created for the year, a word for the year, I want you to go back and reflect on what your intentions have been. And just ask yourself these questions to make sure that you're still in alignment, you're still in flow. And if there are places that we need to shift to adjust and to tweak to let that essence of life flow through us and move through us in a creative way so that miracles can happen. Beautiful Things can occur when we're in alignment. It's really amazing what can happen that requires no effort at all. So these are only four questions, it's like a little bit of a taste a little bit of a just check in with yourself. They come from my mid year review and intention setting worksheets that are part of the bonus for this month for the inner circle. If you're not familiar with the inner circle, the inner circle is my community where I post the monthly energy readings helping you understand how you can flow with the energy of the month that has the energetic calendar. So you know the important dates of when Mercury's going into retrograde when it's coming out of retrograde when the full moon is happening and when the New Moon is happening so you can supercharge your manifestations and also consider that for classes you might be leading retreats or special events. But also I post special little bonuses as surprises for my community throughout the year. And this is one of them. It's a several page guide book that leads you through a journaling process to discover your heart's desires to discover really where you are in connection with living that spirit and essence and passion in your life making sure that you're grounded in the right energy. It's Several pages that I offer for my inner circle for free, but I've just taken four of the questions and brought them to us to the big group to share with you so that you can reflect on that in your own way. But if it is something that you find that this connects with you, this resonates with you or you know, you need a deeper check in with yourself, you may consider joining us at the inner circle Sedona, forward slash inner circle. It's the cost of a fancy cup of coffee per month. That's it. So gives you access to all of that. Anyway, without further ado, I want to dive into the four questions. So you can consider that for how you can get into that mid year Mojo. Alright, so the first question I want to bring forward for you, and you can if you're out and about and you wanna grab your journal and write it down, it's great. If not, you can check the transcript a little bit later, wherever it is that you're listening to the podcast. But the first question is, in what areas of my life have I experienced the most growth and change. And this is considering just the last six months. So having a spirit of reflection of just in this time, isolating that time, specifically, where are you experiencing the most growth and change that can be from the energy that you have been putting forward, where you're really seeing some results, you're seeing that things are manifesting in a way that's bringing you closer to what you've been desiring and hoping for and wanting to see come into form. Or it can also be, perhaps that you can feel the energy of the universe is bringing forward change, either welcomed or unwelcomed. In certain areas of your life. I think that during specific years, there's a certain magnifying glass that the universe puts on to different areas of our life. Maybe it's in how we communicate. And we're learning how to communicate in a different way. We're working through repression, and needing to come forward with the feelings that we've had, or the thoughts that have been there, the desires that we truly have. Or it can also be in you'll notice big changes in your work life that maybe you weren't anticipating where you were you weren't expecting, or your housing is suddenly shifting and changing or things happening with your family is making a big shift and adjustment and change. So whether it is that that change you're seeing is coming from as a result of the things that you have been putting forward, or you're noticing that the universe seems to be arranging things for you. And so it's a good chance for you to look at, what is the energy that's flowing through your life right now? And perhaps, where can it be taking you. And I think it's important to look at this with a positive filter, with some direction in your life. So think about, if you've had big change that's felt really disruptive, sometimes think about that Phoenix energy, as it comes into our life, the Phoenix is burning everything into ash so that it can reform and it'll have a fertile place for things to reform and be new and grow again, into something that's really strong and powerful and beautiful. And so sometimes we have to see that universal energy that's flowing through for seeing a lot of disruption, or maybe a lot of chaos. Maybe the universe is telling us we have to step into more non attachment, and allow things to change, allow things to move forward in their own way, and not be so threatened by what happens externally. Or it can be that things are disrupting themselves so that it can grow in a beautiful way. But of course, not all changes negative change, we can have really beautiful change that's happening in our lives. And so this question just allows you to explore where is that energy in your life right now most profoundly? And as a side question, I would be thinking about if the energy is so strong there, how can you take it to the next level? How can you ride that wave to bring about the next layer of change for you to push yourself just a little bit further and see where that creative possibility takes you? Question number two, what goals no longer align with my values or vision and how can I adjust them? What goals no longer align with my values or vision and how can I adjust them? I really love this question. I used to be so afraid when it came to being specific about What a lot of manifestation and connecting with spirit is talking about using specific saying this is what I'm really wanting to create wanting to bring forward into the world. And I'll be so nervous about being really specific, because I didn't know how I was going to feel about a year and how I was going to feel about that. And to the more specific it got, the more I felt like I was in a box. And I was in a container that felt scary, like maybe it wouldn't be open to change. Now, we've spent six months or a year or more, using this one affirmation or having this one intention. And maybe, as it began to create itself, I would feel I needed to tweak it again, I needed to adjust it, and then it felt like oh, then you have to start all over. What I've learned is actually you just start the process, you start the energy, it's almost like you're stepping into an energy. And over time, that energy, as you get more and more familiar with it, you're going to adjust and you're going to be more refined, and be more intentional and be clear about what it is that you want. Because you're answering some of your own questions through experience questions you may not have even known that you had, you may notice reservations and resistance come up, you may notice what feels good about this and what doesn't feel good. And instead of starting all over, you're still in the same energy, that same flow, you're just refining it further and further and further. For some reason, the image of the Native American medicine wheel comes up for me. So it's like being in the same pie piece of the medicine wheel. And as you become more and more refined, you begin to move from the outer sections of the medicine wheel towards the center, which is ultimately towards source towards the true power of all things. So don't be afraid to refine things into check in with yourself have, am I moving in the right direction? am I noticing that actually something about this feels out of resonance and I want to tweak it, I want to adjust it, I want to shift things, I'm going to share something personal just about tweaking things. So I'm a life path number five. And in order to live in that energy, it's all about change and fluidity and being able to allow yourself that sort of fluidity in life, which is actually really hard for me to do. And one of the things that I've discovered in my own personal journey is how important it is for me to have a lot of freedom and a lot of flexibility in how I show up creatively through my work. When I shifted to an entirely online business model said that I work through zoom and I work through foam, predominantly, then what came forward from that was I started thinking, I just want to work remotely, I really want to work remotely like I love that appeal the appeal of like I can wake up somewhere in Colorado and spend a few months in Colorado and still be able to share my message and work with spirit and help other people while being able to do that. So I had this energy that started to come forward about I loved the idea of working remotely and really embracing that and stepping forward. So this past year, I was launching something and that, for those of you who understand is like a 60 hour or more workweek for weeks at a time. It's really, really a high demand, intentional process. And I decided that I was going to take a couple of days and just go to drive over to San Diego. And kind of have a little bit of a creative refresh in the midst of all of this and had everything gone perfectly. You can see my air quotes here, then that would have been just fine. However, I was hit with a tech issue and tech issue and tech issue and tech issue and just weird programming things that really were outside of my control, other than it required me to spend hours talking to tech support from multiple different platforms. And so in that time that I was in San Diego, instead of seeing the ocean and being creatively refreshed and doing all these things, wandering around and filling my cup back up. I was stuck in a hotel room working remotely. And I laughed with you about how how wild it was that I was living that energy that I had said I want to work remotely and this is exactly what I had put into that form. It wasn't what I was picturing when I Then I want to work remotely, but it was the exact energy. And so I had to laugh at that and also give myself an awareness of, Okay, it's time to tweak. I'm in the right energy. I'm bringing things into form. But it's not exactly what I intended. And it definitely wasn't in alignment for what I was visioning, in my ability to have access to my spirit work, but also be able to travel at the same time or have that type of flexibility. You may see that for yourself as well, you may see that energy begin to take form, but maybe not in quite the way you were intending in that moment in this is the time to tweak and to adjust and make some shifts. All right, question number three is all about how to create balance and harmony. So the question is, what boundaries or adjustments do I need to make to create more balance and harmony, those boundaries can be boundaries that you set with yourself, about what's acceptable for you. And your own behaviors, or it can also be boundaries that you have. For other people, it can be boundaries that you have for your work, for example of my day needs to end at this time, so that I have the space to renew myself, or to spend time in nature or not burn myself down to the ground. My day needs to start at this time. So I have the mental space to do XY and Z. So boundaries can take many different forms. But they really are asking where can your energy and your intention align, so that you are protecting what it is that you want to create, that you're protecting your priorities that you're protecting? What it is that you're bringing forward and the projects and the creativity in your life? How can you protect that? That's the big question. Whether that is in actions, whether that is in you know, being more specific in your life, one way or another, there's always a way that we can review and say, I need to create more protection around this, what does that look like for you? And the last question I wanted to bring forward just for our podcast today is how can I stay motivated, inspired and accountable? To my goals? This is critically important is how do you stay inspired? So I think it's important to start by looking at how has your inspiration changed throughout this past six months, when you set those initial energies or intentions for the 2024? Year? What did that look like? For you? What how did it start? Did you start with a bunch of energy? And has some of that fallen off? Or have you sustained your focus and energy? And if so what is working for you? What is helping you? I think it's critical to not beat ourselves up when we get out of that inspiration and motivated place and instead look at what's the message, am I not being in harmony with cycles, and I need to, you know, create a little bit more space for some flexibility, or Danny and something else to just keep me moving and keep me going do I need to be more creatively stimulated because that always helps me as a creative person feel super motivated and inspired. Like if I take some time away and go get exposed to more artistic communities and new waves of thought and you know, have that spiritual time. For myself, I always come back so refreshed and so rejuvenated and so connected. And when I do that, I just suddenly like this creative Joy bursts out from inside of me. And I'm able to express, you know, a month's worth of stuff in a few days because I'm so in my true inspiration. But it requires that you have to know yourself of how can you give that to yourself. For some it's keeping yourself motivated with little dopamine rewards and dopamine rushes are keeping that task in the forefront of your mind. Having that vision for making sure that you're doing affirmation work. One thing that's working for me right now is I have affirmation cards that I created for myself that are visual cards that represent energies that I'm welcoming into my life. And so I'll pull one card every single day and really focus all of my intention, all of my energy on seeing and feeling that I feel it within my body. I see what I would see when that is flowing into my life. I feel the gift and the gratitude of it occurring and how happening and being on its way. So that really helps keep me in a sustained flow. And I have several of them that actually helps me so that I don't get bored with the same one, the same thing over and over again. So I really liked that it's a consistent practice and a consistent process. However, you know, I have five or six different options. And I choose what energetically is going to have the highest and best results that day I asked spirit to help with that decision making, it's

Robert Wooten:

so important to understand what it is that motivates you, how do you stay motivated? How do you sustain that feeling of motivation. And I think that when you're setting your goals early in the year, or reassessing them here mid year, rather than just give up on the goal, if it was a valuable goal to have to begin with, you can go backwards and remember what it was that motivated you to set that goal to begin with, was it a certain performance achievement that you wanted to reach within a monetary amount that you wanted to reach at a certain place, and then so you have to reconnect to what that goal is to help rekindle that fire of motivation and inspiration. And those things will come to you naturally, when you go back to that connectivity point. And back to that word alignment. When you realign to the feelings and the achievement of reaching that goal, then you can reach into that well of inspiration and motivation to help launch you back out to that place of productivity and moving forward towards it.

Christina Wooten:

Or seeing things come into manifestation or coming into form, noticing that you're in that pie piece of the energy, which is always saying like you're getting there, you know, things are moving forward for you just refine, refine, refine to get to the center to get connected, again, fully with source and that there's an alignment between what you are creating in your heart and what is being created and manifested in your physical world. So hoping that these four questions just give you an opportunity to settle in to reflect to review, to get back into that Mojo feeling of being in the universe's flow rather than, you know, if you find that you're pushing against a lot of resistance, it's a good time to just check in and see is that resistance showing up because it's not 100% in alignment either my heart's not here, my passions not here, my spirits, not here, my body's not here. But ultimately, it gives us a chance to check in and re imagine the possibilities re explore and continue that creative process we're moving closer and closer ultimately, to source. For those of you who would like to go even deeper with this, you want to go through all the worksheets go through the whole process. And especially if you felt kind of lost this year, you felt like I don't know what's happened. I just feel like I'm responding to everything. I'm feeling overwhelmed, kind of bowled over a little bit by the universe rather than like I'm actively and intentionally creating. This is an amazing time to dive deeper with those mid year worksheets that all focus on intention setting to make sure that your heart your spirit, your passion is aligned and there. So you're moving forward with less effort and with the support of your soul, the support of the universe in bringing forward what needs to happen for you. And of course, you can get that in your inner circle membership for the month of June, it'll be available for you as well as the energetic calendar and the monthly reading that tells you all about the energy of June and how this type of reflection is here to help propel us forward. We're bridging right now in this month, from one state of consciousness into another. So there's this deep breath and this deep pause and this is here to give us an opportunity to create that bridge moving forward. So it's a really important month if you want to learn more, and join us for the cost of a fancy coffee. Go to Sedona forward slash inner circle. Thank you so much for listening for joining us in this episode and for all the love and light and beautiful energy that you put out in this world. As always, many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

Modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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