Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Visitation Dreams Explained: Signs and Messages from the Afterlife #189

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 189

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Have you ever woken up from a dream feeling like it was more than just a dream

In this episode of "Visitation Dreams Explained: Signs and Messages from the Afterlife," we dive into the mysterious and comforting world of visitation dreams. These special  visits can leave us with feelings of love, guidance, and sometimes, urgent messages from the other side.

We'll explore what makes a dream a true visitation, how to distinguish these special visitations from regular dreams, and why these nocturnal visits happen.   Are they just a  trick of the mind, or is there something more spiritual at play? This episode will help give you the tools to recognize and interpret these profound encounters.

You'll learn how to welcome these experiences and how they can be a source of guidance and reassurance. So, if you've ever wondered if that dream about a loved one was real or just your imagination, this episode is for you.   Remember, sometimes, the most meaningful messages come when we least expect them.

About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Christina Wooten:

What if you could spend just one more precious minute with a loved one who's passed on? Sometimes you actually can through the profound connection of a visitation dream. We're going to dive deep into the heart of dream visitations, we'll explore how they can happen, and how you can invite more of these deeply personal encounters from beyond.


Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world, your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten, and break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Have you ever woken up from a dream feeling like you've just had a real connection with someone who passed away? What if it felt like it was even more vivid than your waking life? You could see and feel and sense everything about that moment. And what if I told you that it might not just be your imagination. I'm Christina Wooten certified psychic medium from Sedona And today we're talking all about dream visitations what they are and how they work. Dream visitations are happening all the time. And I really wish that we talked more about this in our daily life. But the truth is that dream visitations can be so deeply profound and so personal, that it takes us a while to really sit with it, to process it, to absorb it and integrate everything that has been shared with us in that moment, because it's not just what was shared directly from our loved one that's crossed over. It's also the awareness that they are well, that they're okay that they're at peace, in addition to whatever special messages that they had for us. And it takes a little bit as we continue our journey of grief, and our journey of deeper spiritual understanding to process all of that. And sometimes, honestly, putting things into words can feel like it just cheapens an experience, especially when it's so personal and so profound. And maybe you don't want to open yourself up to other people's personal opinions and their beliefs about your experience. So we don't share as often about this really amazing spirit phenomena that's happening every night, all around the world, for lots of people. There are so many stories of children who have passed coming back through to their parents, letting them know that they're at peace, that they're well that they continue to live in their own way through spirit, to share special messages with their family so that they can feel a sense of ease and hopefully, as much as possible, know that their loved one is safe. And well. On the other side, we have family members who come through to guide us in direct ways to let us know that they see the things that are happening and to encourage us and help us to move forward. Or to let us know that they're approving of the work that we're doing the things that they're seeing, and share some of their wisdom and perspective that they're getting from the other side. And sometimes it's just as simple as a few precious moments with one another. It's not necessarily about a specific message being passed on, other than just the moment of being in the same energetic space, and feeling the love and the connection that continues and the life that is still very much there. From the spirit of our loved one. There's so many beautiful reasons that spirit might come through in this really direct way. So I wanted to talk today about how does dream visitation work? What exactly is it and to help answer any questions because it is such a deeply profound and personal connection with the afterlife. And with the other side that it'd be wonderful if we could share more about this if we could talk more about it and that we can continue to encourage and be open to this level of deep connection with the other side. So you might be wondering, well, what exactly is a dream visitation? And how exactly does it work? How do we know the difference between dreams and a true visitation? So is it just my subconscious mind using this person as a symbolism and explore I sing that through my dream state, or is it really that person who is making this connection with me, and for this moment, we're coming together again, those are great questions. And there are some definitive signs to help you discern between Is this some subconscious rambling that's happening versus a true experience with the other side. So dream visitations are when we go to sleep. And we enter an altered state of consciousness that at some point, during that time of moving through different cycles and wavelengths and frequencies of this altered state of consciousness, we become receptive to the other side. And we're able to, for a moment connect with someone who is passed on and have a communication a direct communication with them for a period of time, it's usually a shorter period, so we're talking about minutes, or the perception of minutes versus hours necessarily with them. So dream visitation can seem like it's sandwiched a bit in the middle of actual symbolic forms of dreaming, where you can tell that it's more your subconscious processing and expressing and then suddenly, you have this profound moment of clarity with your loved one from the other side where it's very vivid, it's markedly different in the energy. And then as soon as that concludes, maybe you're going back into this sort of wishy washy, subconscious expression place. And what you'll notice about that time with your loved one is that it's very clear, it's very detailed, much more so than just subconscious ramblings or symbolism typically, is, when you're meeting with that loved one. On the other side, I always find in my visitations that they're so clear that things that I might have forgotten about that person specific details about what they looked like, or how their eyes looked, or what they smelled like, come crashing back. So clearly, it's that part is so vivid, that I'm reminded of things that I, you know, had, over time sort of released and let go, I kept some details, but not all of them. So that dream visitation is even clearer than my thought of them, when I think about them, using my brain, that all of those details that maybe you forgotten are so clear, and it's so clear that it just feels like you can feel it and touch it and connect with it and smell it that it's really really happened. Other parts of the dream just feel sort of blurry and comparison. So maybe other people that might show up on either side of your dream visitation. Maybe they're faceless, or just don't have a whole lot of detail. You're not seeing them with the same clarity that you would someone in a dream visitation, and also the message and the feeling from your loved one really seems to stick with you. It sticks with you to the point where you wake up and you're really processing sometimes people wake up from a visitation and they're crying, or they're emotional, or some of that grief is stirred up. But at the same time, there's a sense of gratitude and relief that they've had just these moments to be together again. And there's you know, of course, such a blend of feelings of the human experience. When that happens, you know, we feel so thankful and so grateful for that moment. But also it reminds us sometimes how hard it is to be away from them and how much we deeply love them and have appreciated their special role in our lives. A lot of times in a dream visitation, you will become aware or are aware that the person that you're talking with has passed away. So you're aware that they are on the other side. And in this more lucid state, you might ask them questions like How are things what are you doing on the other side are you might express, I'm missing you so much. And you know, these are the things that are happening and this is what's going on. So there's a sense of awareness that time has passed that that person is on the other side and you're meeting them again in that moment. That's another big indicator that you have a dream visitation in the air in more of this lucid state of awareness of being able to communicate more directly with your loved one. You might all So notice that your loved one usually comes through to you in a form that you will recognize that you prefer the end that represents them in a relatively healthy way. So maybe you're not seeing exactly what they looked like, at the very end of their life, if they struggled at the end of their life, maybe they weren't able to communicate, or, you know, the cost and toll on their health was very evident. So you're not going to see them. In that state or in that way, very rarely, in a visitation, you'll generally see them looking radiant and happy and exuding that energy of love, the body looks stronger, and you know, more of a representation of something that you would recognize. But it's not maybe as true to life in the last way that you saw them, because they're expressing themselves in the way that they know that you can recognize them, but also is letting you know that they're well that they're okay. So a lot of people ask, you know, what's another big difference between dreams and a real visitation. And, you know, I like to think of it like this, if you're having a subconscious dream, where things are coming forward in your environment, and you're just processing you're processing and that person is a symbol for you, rather than being something where you're having a deep, profound spirit visitation in the symbolism of that person, again, they're not going to be as clear like, you're gonna be able to make out that that person is being symbolized within the dream, but it's not with the level of clarity that we're talking about from a visitation. Also, in a dream, you might see something wild, like your grandmother is doing something they would never do like their finger painting or refrigerator while you're walking by on an elephant. You know, this is clearly an example of subconscious processing versus where you're visiting and having a deep communication with that person who has crossed over. So it is going to be a very clear moment in time, where something is expressed or communicated to you how your loved one communicates to you can be different. So you might see their mouth moving and see them speak to you and hear their voice and be clear in that way. Or you might have what's more like a telepathic form of communication where you see them and you can hear or feel, what their thoughts are, what message they're projecting to you without necessarily hearing specifically the words in their voice. And this is because Spirit is able to communicate through energy in this way, it doesn't require a voice box. And so you may find that information is transmitted to you in more of a telepathic way. And you're perceiving it slightly differently than it might be if they're just standing in person, you know, chatting and talking with you. But that doesn't mean in what we would consider like a telepathic communication, that that is a dream that very often is another sign of a dream visitation. But most importantly, is that loving feeling. And that peaceful sense that you have of having spent that time with your loved one, there's just a knowing that happens with a dream visitation, where it just feels so real and so vivid and undeniable that it just sticks with you that feeling even if it was sandwiched between two different more abstract dream states, the potency of that moment in that time really sits in your heart. And there's a reason that the message, whatever they brought forward for you came through at this time. So your spirit is integrating whatever it is that the message was that your loved one brought forward for you. Whether you needed to just know and understand that they were well that they were at peace, that they were okay that they were with loved ones and that that's what they're sharing with you, or whether they had something specific and urgent to share with you about things that were happening in your life, or maybe they were guiding you about, hey, you lost my necklace, but you if you just look under the dresser, you'll find it. There's lots of different examples of why spirit wants to come through. But something that I have learned from talking to spirits on the other side in readings is that some spirits seem to have more ability than others to be able to come through during dream visitations. So either their energy or their level of development allows them the capacity to be able to do this and communicate more directly in the dream state. But they also need a receiver, which was you to be able to make this level of connection. So your chemistry, your energy within and around your body has to be receptive and able to make the connection between that person. So there's two big components that have to happen here for a successful dream visitation to occur. And what I understand from those on the other side is that many times I love one here on the earth plane has said, Please come through to me like this, please, I'd love to have a visit with you I'd love to have these moments with you please come through is that those loved ones are trying and they're making the effort. But either the energy hasn't quite been right for them to be able to come through with ease and with clarity, for the person who's sleeping and receiving the visitation. So maybe they've tried to come through, but it just hasn't translated very well, or that something they're continuing to develop the ability to do. But if you've asked them for Dream visitation, I can guarantee that they're working on it, and they're trying, but it may take a while for them to be able to do it if they are not naturally adept, or if they haven't quite done it before. And there are some spirits that seem to be like travelers, they're very adept at being able to come through and spirit visitations, they might come through very regularly, and come through for multiple people, not just one particular receiver or one person. And they seem to be just very adept at this form of communication. So just know that if you've asked for visitation, they are definitely working on being able to come through for you clearly. But it takes the perfect recipe for things to come together for this kind of manifestation to occur, and to occur clearly where you recognize it and be able to differentiate it between your regular dreaming life and world and a true visitation. Spirits, a lot of times like to come through in this visitation way, because it's a really direct way to show up and to be present with you to have that sense of being able to give you a hug and have a form or a sense of form to be able to share in something so deeply moving and beautiful. At nighttime, when you're in this altered states of consciousness, you're also a lot more open and receptive at that time, rather than your conscious mind who's thinking and blocking and expressing and emitting energy all of the time, you have this sense of spaciousness that's happening, and these little glimmers of moments, where spirit can really come through without being blocked by all of that other stuff that might be happening in your mind and in your life in that moment. Especially when we're talking about these subtle energies, they need to be able to get through all of that noise and intensity of our mind. And that really takes quite a bit. So of course, that's very appealing to spirit to be able to do that, because they're not getting blocked. And the message isn't being as confused or influenced by the conscious mind. Because the conscious mind is at a state of rest. So you might be listening to this. And thinking, I would love more than anything to be able to have those moments again, with my loved one, even if it's just for a minute to be able to communicate with them to know and feel and sense with my heart, with my mind with everything that they are doing well, that they are safe, that they are in a state of peace and of joy. And just having that sense of reassurance or having their guidance and their wisdom and this whole new perspective. And then being able to share that with you. Maybe that's really something that's calling and pulling at your heart. There are some things that you can do to make yourself be a little bit more receptive or to open the doors to more during visitation. So a couple of things that I would encourage you to do is one, let your spirit guides and let your loved ones on the other side. No, just through transmitting that intention, that awareness in the same way that you would a prayer you're just directing that information to your guides and to the loved ones that are on the other side. Let them know that you're open to spirit visitation. They're such an incredible energy that unfolds when we express boldly and profoundly. I'm not afraid of this form of phenomena. I welcome it. I welcome this Direct Connection and these types of signs from the other side, so that they know that they don't have to be concerned about how you might receive it. And, you know, be especially delicate and how they process that with you and make sure that you're fully prepared so that it isn't a shock. And it isn't scary or it isn't upsetting for you, because it's maybe paradigm altering or shifting in some way that feels overwhelming at the time. So knowing that you are open to that, that you are not afraid that you're not an anxious energy around it, that you're just welcoming. That energy and that type of manifestation experience to happen for you will help open the door so that your guides can go wonderful, we're so glad that you feel comfortable with this. And we'd love to be able to move forward towards fulfillment of that you can practice also telling your loved ones who have crossed over a good night before you go to bed. So it's just a nice habit to be in where you express love and positive energy for them, let them know that you're transitioning into the sleep state, and that you wish them well, that's a great way to just form a connection right before you go to sleep. And you entered into that altered state of consciousness and it just puts them in the zone and then the energy for that type of connection. And here's the number one thing that you can really do to make a difference and move things forward. And that's doing some form of meditation or energy work before sleep can really help. And I'm not talking about, you know, just during the day, I mean, really before sleep. And the reason is you're raising your vibrational rate. So you're helping make it easier for spirit to be able to contact you and connect with you, before you move into that altered state of consciousness. And then you're also clearing all of that mental and emotional clutter that normally has to be processed. During the sleep state, the more clear you are, mentally and emotionally and spiritually, before you enter that space, the more you're able to be open to receive. So if you're doing energy work, and you're doing meditation, you're dumping some of the excess stuff out, you're releasing, and you're letting go and you're becoming more of a clear receptor and a clear Canvas so that those impressions can be made. And you can sense and perceive of their presence on the other side. So the key thing would be to do it right before you're going to sleep instead of a couple of hours before bedtime, just do it right before that really opens yourself up so that you're in that higher receiving state already, you're in your intuitive mind and your spiritual connection. So you're very able to receive and perceive of the things that might be coming through from the other side. And even if you're not getting a spirit visitation right away, I can guarantee you will be more open to messages from the other side that might also come through during nighttime as well. And the last thing I would say to encourage visitation is Don't fixate on it or demand, it's really important that you come at this with the spirit of inviting and welcoming this experience without insisting otherwise, you might miss some of the other signs that they are really adept at sending. So maybe they haven't quite gotten to the place where they can come through with clarity in a spirit visitation yet, but they have found other ways to come through for you as well. And as I say this, I smell this like big whiff of perfume from a loved one on the other side. So hello, thank you for coming to visit me in that way as well. You don't want to miss those other special moments because you're so insistent on one. Keep in mind that it takes very special conditions for that to unfold, which is why people will sometimes go years or go a while between visitations, or you might visit with some people and not necessarily but others. It's just how this particular process and manifestation unfolds. It is a little bit of a science, if you will, and how they're able to come through and communicate. So don't ignore all of the other beautiful, wonderful signs of Spirit in your life and the way that they're trying to come through and show their presence and show their love and show their connection with you just in favor for one insistence depending on where we are in our grief journey. Sometimes it's decided that either it's not healthy for us to have that type of experience yet or we need to wait until a certain period of time after this person has passed before we connect with them in that direct way because we need some time for our consciousness to adjust to really work on letting Know to work on release to work on our own self so that we're able to make a connection in a healthy way. And in one that's not going to be detrimental to our human grief process, and the work that we have to continue to be able to do. Also, if you have a healthy relationship with your grief, and you're doing grief related work for yourself, then you're in a better place to encourage that because spirits going to see that you have a healthy relationship with your grief that you are doing the work that's necessary in your own healing and in your own acceptance and in your own understanding, as well. And so that concern about interrupting your grief cycle or being detrimental to you won't be there. Because you're already actively doing that work. You're doing that deeper level of healing. Our visitations are here to really help us to move energy when we need to move energy. And they are such a special treat when they happen. It's this sacred moment of connection that just reminds us that love is ever present, that our connection with the people that we have loved no matter how long it's been, is alive is well is special, that they are alive and well in their own way. I'm so thankful that spirit has found so many different ways to come through to show signs that there is an afterlife and that love continues far beyond this change that we know as to I'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to connect to just talk a little bit more about dream visitation. And if anything, I hope that you will share more about your dream visitations with those that are around you. And I guarantee the more that you open up about these types of experiences, the more you'll find other like minds and people who may have had those experiences that really can blow your mind as well and help you to feel that sense of inspiration and awe and excitement, enthusiasm about the power and the majesty of the spirit world. Thank you for joining us. If you have enjoyed this topic or if you enjoy our show, we would love it if you would take a moment to just share it with others who can benefit others who maybe have lost someone or who just want to learn more about spirit one learn how to communicate with the other side or how to live in a grounded but spiritual way we'd love for you to be able to share this episode or any other episode that's really touched your heart with others. All right, everyone, have a beautiful day many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

Modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, Sedona

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