Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Natural Law: The Law of Vibration #192

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 192

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Have you ever thought about how the universe really works? In this episode, we're uncovering the secrets of Natural Law, specifically the Law of Vibration, and why understanding it can truly transform your life in positive ways.  

The Law of Vibration is all about the idea that everything around us, from the smallest particle to the largest structure, is in constant motion, vibrating at its own unique frequency. This isn’t just a cool concept—it has huge implications for how you experience the world. By understanding and tapping into this natural law, you can start to see how your thoughts, emotions, actions, and more are creating your reality every single day.

Once you grasp the Law of Vibration, you can harness its power to elevate your own energy and attract the things you truly desire. Whether it's more peace, joy, or success, it all starts with the vibrations you emit. 

Join us as we break down the science and spirituality behind this universal principle.

To dive deeper into Natural Law, listen to the other episodes in the series

The Law of Love (Ep. 94):
Listen on website

The Law of Mind (Ep. 95)
Listen on website

The Law of Cause and Effect (Ep. 116)
Listen on website

The Law of Thought and Intention (Ep. 139)
Listen on website

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About Christina Wooten, Sedona Medium:

Want to take more aligned action in your life, and understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher. 
As the owner of Sedona Medium, she offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
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Christina Wooten:

So everything is vibrating at a certain frequency from heavy bookcases to people, but every person's and everything's vibration is entirely unique. Their thoughts feelings, emotions, all of those become part of the vibrational signature which is a lot like a fingerprint.


Welcome to the modern life and spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium, Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wuhan break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world. Hey,

Christina Wooten:

they're kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern Life and Spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium and And hello, Robert, it's so nice to have you back today.

Robert Wooten:

Well, hello, I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Robert Wooten. And I am really glad to be back.

Christina Wooten:

It's been a while since we've talked about natural law, but it seems like a good time to focus on the underlying principles of the universe, the things that are at play and how our lives shaped themselves, how our circumstances are born into the world, who we are energetically as beings and also spiritual beings. And it really helps us understand our true power as divine beings, and also speaks to us about how important personal responsibility is because as you start to develop your understanding of natural law, you really see how we are participating as creators in in everything that happens to us around us and group collective consciousness. And so it really puts that emphasis on what you're doing what you're thinking, what's happening right now in this moment, is actively shaping your reality. And eventually, those are things that what you sow is also what you reap. And so it's important for us to continue to develop awareness of natural law because that helps to raise our vibration and helps us continue to grow. And to practice not just knowing about it, but really implementing it using those natural laws to help us to create the reality that we really want to experience use that creative energy in a way that supports us and excites us and thrills us as spirit beings, but also as human beings as well. And we've had a series we talked about different natural laws over the course of our podcast, we've talked about the law of love, we talked about the law of mind, we've talked about the law of thought and intention, and we've talked about the law of cause and effect. So if natural law is something you want to learn about, please take time to dive into those episodes, I will link that into the show notes as well so that you can really do that deeper work with natural law and start to integrate the principles. And today we're going to expand on that and also talk about the law of vibration.

Robert Wooten:

So traditionally speaking, these natural laws were things that were taught even to school kids at one point where they talk about the fundamental foundations of how things work. There was a time when science was new. I'm making air quotes, it's new. And our understanding of how the world worked was based on a lot of theories of things. And so there were people that we would consider them Alchemist nowadays, I suppose that really wanted to break down how does the universe work? How do things work? And how do they interplay with each other? How do they combine? How are they different than how can you individually describe each one of these things that makes up the known universe in the physical realm. And so they understood these natural laws to be the fundamental building blocks of if you want to understand how things work, then you have to understand these laws or principles as they refer to him then. And so the law of vibration is considered one of the Keystone principles of all of the manifested universe. Because when you understand the law of vibration that begins to help you understand all of the other laws, and how they work together, because all of these laws do function together just like everything does. It all works together. When you try to separate one away, you realize it's connected to other things. Yeah, and the law of vibration is most closely associated with the law of attraction. It's the building block of the law of attraction, which we'll get to that in a future podcast. But this law of vibration refers basically to the fact that everything in the physical universe as we know it, is constantly moving. It has a vibrational rate or frequency as we would call it now. And when you talk about the vibrational rate of something, you can identify that thing, be at a rock, or a table, or a person or an animal or a stick, you can say, this thing vibrates at this rate. And you can begin to understand, that's the building block of what that thing is. Its frequency of vibration, right? We're getting a little heavy, sorry. But that's the that's the basic understanding of the law of vibration, is that everything is constantly moving in some way. Even though things appear to be sitting still, or not moving like a table, for instance, we'll use that as a reference again. And yet we know now that the table is not truly solid, dislike, we are not truly solid, right? If you can look deep enough and small enough, you see that you get into things like atoms, and there is a lot of space between the atoms and the atoms are constantly moving. None of them are ever sitting still. And so that's the rate of vibration. What is really fascinating to me, is how people from four or 500 600 years ago, came up with this understanding of things without having any of the tools that we have now. microscopes, right? Yeah, I looked it up to see when the microscope was invented. And the very first basic version of one 1600s 1500s. Yeah, but yeah, 1600s is when it became a functional thing. The 1500s was when two men who also invented classes, basically, or spectacles, as they called them, combine two things together and realize they could see you're much smaller pieces of things, when they magnified these with these lenses.

Christina Wooten:

Wouldn't that be shocking? Like, let's just pause for a moment wouldn't be shopping at what point because you assume there's this part of it, that's assuming that everything is stagnant that and there's so much in the world that we don't see without extra support and extra help. And suddenly, you're like looking at something and there's all these teeny tiny little bug looking things like wouldn't that just blow your mind to suddenly be like, What is this world that I'm encountered, but I think that is present in so many different ways that there's animals that can hear things on the spectrum that we can't hear, there are colors that we don't see that birds can see in bugs can see and how they, you know, relate to the world, they're able to see this whole spectrum, right, there's a whole nother reality experience, that we're not seeing mediums, for example, connecting with those that are on the other side, these are physical realities, they're here. But it requires the ability to connect with those vibrations. I just think that's fascinating. Just think that there was there was the before they looked in the microscope, and then the after, and it just would be such a shock to the reality system, right? But you were talking about everything is it movement, so we have chairs, tables, stones, rocks, these types of things are at a lower vibration, you know, they're moving more slowly, densely, they're lower vibration, and then we have living things and people that are at a higher frequency and a higher vibration. So they're moving in a higher spectrum. So everything existing though, in this spectrum movement, and I really think that part of the significance of the law of vibration, is that spirits able to use the reality, the existence of the law of vibration in manifesting things in a physical phenomena way. So there's so much that spirit is able to do that our universe that our scientists can't currently explain like a port. So suddenly, there's a Roman coin in a locked area where nobody has been able to access and, you know, you're like, Well, where does where did this come from? Or when you are looking for something and you're asking spirit, please help me find my grandmother's necklace that I lost. I can't find it. And I've been looking for it for so long. And please, if you can help me, and then lo and behold, a few days later, just sitting neatly on your bed is the necklace. Nobody else has been in the house. Nobody has access. Nobody has a key. Where did the necklace come from? In spirit circles and gatherings of mediums and developing mediums one of the things that can happen are these reports so certain items from the past, even statues can just appear in the middle of the circle when there is the right vibration and frequency and group of people that are gathered together. To have the inner think that it comes from that movement in that vibration allows these seemingly solid things to be shifted into other expressions and realities. We have table tipping, which is another form of physical phenomena, if you will, and that involves mediums using their fingertips is just a conduit kind of like light as a feather stiff as a board, except for you're doing it with a table. And then the table itself begins to sort of move or dance or, you know, tip itself. around the room, I've seen demonstrations that were really interesting and some that I was just like, what is happening here, it's very intriguing. So everything is vibrating at a certain frequency from heavy bookcases to people, but every person's and everything's vibration is entirely unique inside that vibration captures the essence of what level of spiritual unfoldment that they have experienced their level of spiritual growth, their traumas and things that continue to weigh them down or express themselves in their energetic field, their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and those expressions, all of those cumulatively become part of the vibrational signature, which is a lot like a fingerprint per person. Now, our vibration can shift and change as our development continues, as our personal growth continues, we begin to move higher and higher and higher in frequency and move closer and closer and closer to the spirit world as we do so. But it requires that effort that focus the clearing the chakras, the opening our mind, and continuing to expand our consciousness to challenge those things that hold us back the things even that we're exposed to, the type of music we listen to, and the vibration of that the words that we use, the thoughts that we have, the TV shows that we watch, all of those things are part of our continuous dynamic vibration, those

Robert Wooten:

things do affect your energetic vibration. And I think that we have to really pay attention to those things that's super important

Christina Wooten:

to understand the significance of that you really need to understand the law of thought and intention, because your vibrational rate becomes your intention. And that is what attracts things in circumstances into your life. So if you really want to shift your life, you've got to shift your intention. And the best way to do that is to shift your thoughts and to shift your vibrational rate so that you're moving higher and higher into that spectrum. There can be collective vibrations that happen also. So when we gather in a group of people are come together for a purpose, there is a collective vibration that's expressed among the group. And that can be an uplifting thing that raises your vibration or it can be a thing that lowers your vibration, depending on what it is that how that's influencing you and how that's impacting your thoughts and your focus towards spiritual growth and personal growth and your devotion on a deeper level to service or higher principles. Those things will impact you positively no. So think about families, family groups, families have their own vibrational consciousness, collective consciousness, that happens and as individual members of the family begin to heal, and they pass that on to later generations, then that begins to shift and change the vibrational energy over time of that family. But families can much like any group can be things that uplift your energy, or they can be things that are detriments to your energy. Your work culture can also be part of a group consciousness and collected during but what happens over time is that, you know, because these are dynamic, they're shifting, but they don't make really huge shifts. Until we have a big consciousness change, a really big, more fundamental change in how we think about things and how we process the world and how open we are, that has more of a fundamental impact. When we really heal when we really release something. It's like it never existed because we're in a totally different frequency where it didn't happen that way because we are truly in a different vibrational state and place of perceiving place of consciousness. And I think we can also think about the group consciousness is created when you gather together with a positive, loving intention. So whether you're doing something of service to other people, or in devotional practice, whether you are gathered together for spiritual or intuitive development, whether you're in A prayer circle, or just some form of a gathering like a meditation circle, all of those things create this collective consciousness and the more and more that we have of this higher vibrational energy, eventually, there's a tipping point that it's created and it expands infinitely further into the world.

Robert Wooten:

That's a thing that's interesting to think about. Because when you are drawn to a certain group, and you are you're repulsed by a certain group, you know, if you are paying attention to what that means to you why that is, it has a lot to do, I would say maybe everything to do with the vibrational frequency of that group, you have something in common with them. And it's usually some form of energetic connectivity through this vibrational rate. And it grows, when the group is drawn together. If you've ever been in a conference, or you've been in a class, and you see, in the early stages, no one really knows each other, everyone's pulling apart everyone sort of figuring out who's whom. And as the class goes on, or as the conference goes on, you will see people being drawn together, you're starting to harmonize your your frequency together. And that's why I think it's so important to really make sure that the people that you are surrounding yourself with are beneficial to your frequency, and maybe your vinesh beneficial to theirs. And that creates this harmony, the more that we can build this higher frequency relationships around the world, the higher the frequency of the planet, and the people on the planet grows, that's the direction we want to go. Is, is continuing to elevate the vibration, right elevate the consciousness for all of us, the

Christina Wooten:

law of love shows us that the most powerful thing that we can do to shift our vibration is always to come from a place of love, that our motives, their intentions, that our focal point, is truly from a loving place. And when we do that, we just expand and grow and increase in raise our frequency in incredible ways. When we do that, your psychic abilities naturally open up more and more because you're moving closer and closer to spirit. So those phenomena may be that you're looking for excited about developing that happens. As you naturally focus on raising your vibration and just unfolds within you. I have to watch the types of things that I listen to and the TV because my energy obviously connects with spirit all the time. And so I noticed like there was a show that was on Netflix a long time ago and I love like sci fi. Well, maybe some sci fi, I love like fantasy and just things that kind of take you to another world. I always think that's fun and interesting and creative. And that was there's been different shows that I've just had to stop watching because I noticed that when I watched them, I would feel like this heaviness and the heavy energy around me and then that would attract other heavier type of energies. And then I'd have to clear all the time. And I just was like, it's not worth it. It's not worth it to, I could feel my vibration just lowering, which was so disappointing, because there's a part of that human that's like, Oh, this is creative, and fun and different and interesting. But knowing that I'm constantly having to clear is telling you wait a minute, this is, you know, is it worth it to lower my vibration for an entertainment value. It just isn't for me, so I have to be really cautious. And for those people who are trying to open your intuitive abilities, you want to think about that, too, is you know, that's gonna love certain things, certain movies or shows or whatever it can lower your vibration impacts, what is attracted to you as well. But I do think you know, as we're changing our thoughts and change how we speak and change how we act and become more positive, become more loving towards everyone in everything. We change those rates of vibration to new to higher frequencies to a new state of being a new way of feeling a new way of doing and loving and caring. And that is ultimately what is changing the world is really all about is through changing ourselves through creating that growth and you becoming that person within the family that starts to shift the vibration of your family up late you become that person in the group, that when that energy starts to go low or somebody is really being hurtful to others or exclusionary or unkind when you address it when you confront it when you bring that energy from fear to love from that low vibrational energy to high vibrational energy you begin to create not just a shift in your consciousness and your base vibrational rate which ultimately shapes your intention and shapes your life. But you transform the group consciousness that you are involved in, in all of your communities within your family, the healing that you're doing is impacting and shifting and changing that in a dynamic in a powerful way. And the more and more people do that, the more it begins to overflow out into the world, there's a great story about the 100th monkey in Japan. So there were a group of researchers who were observing a group of monkeys in this one particular area of Japan. And as they were observing them, and washing them, they would throw these version of sweet potatoes out, which is one of the monkeys favorite treats, and then they would throw it to them. But it will get sand and kind of dirt on them, which made them kind of gritty, a little grimy, as you can imagine, probably, even though it was one of their favorite treats like not as palatable because it's got all this grit on it. And one female monkey, it had this discovery, where they washed the sweet potato in a natural stream or some water source. And it got all of that sand and all of that grit and stuff often began to eat it. So of course, they were excited that their discovery. And so that's what how they started to eat their sweet potatoes from then on, they would grab it, they would go and they would wash it off. And then they would teach the younger ones or other younger monkeys would generally see this and they would start doing the same thing and realizing that oh, this is actually really nice, doesn't have that gritty texture anymore. And it began being spread among this particular group of monkeys, this new practice of we wash the sweet potatoes off, and then they're more palatable and we're all happy and pleased and they have good tummies. So what began to happen though, is more and more monkeys started to learn this new skill. At a certain point, there was a tipping point. And monkeys that had had no contact with that no document and contact with that group, the the unique group that was now washing the sweet potatoes that none of the other monkeys had ever done. Suddenly, those groups began to start washing the sweet potatoes. So it's this vibration was spread as it began to overflow. And it changed the group consciousness, the collective consciousness. And that's how we have to look at some of the problems that we face as humanity is that as we keep moving forward, and we have those that are growing in consciousness and sharing that with other people and helping others unselfishly trying to share information, you know, we're here on our podcast, trying to share information to help others to raise vibration and learn how to connect with the other side. That when that happens, at there's a certain threshold that that suddenly becomes the information that that vibration begins to express out into the world. So when we think about climate change, we think about poverty. When we think about homelessness, we think about these really important social problems that we struggle with, and we struggle to find solutions that we can all agree to, and work towards and help. Everybody has different seemingly different perspectives on what the right thing to do to solve. The problem is that eventually, the more we keep expanding consciousness, then it is going to help resolve some of those issues, but it has to reach that tipping point. Now, we don't know what that tipping point is us and our human bodies. Don't know what what the exact quotation or windex exact number is, I know the Spirit does. You know, they're watching and observing and helping us to create the path forward of that consciousness change so that we can work towards more resolution and kindness and compassion, and at the same time helping us to deal with the things that are our current realities as well. So the law of vibration is important to understand that it is dynamic that it is changed that it is made up and comprised of all of your emanations as a being as a vibration. I believe that includes also your previous lives, your soul energy, all that is a part of what your vibration is expressing in the world. And the more that you express from love and positivity, compassion and kindness, the more that you're raising your vibration and impacting positively yourself, your circumstances and others and ultimately the world, right. If you want to get started today, really just raising your consciousness, one of the most important things you can do is just learn Learn more about natural law learning more about natural law automatically, just listening and learning about it raises your vibration, raise your consciousness, I just wanted to remind you that I'm going to put those links to the other natural laws that we have covered in the description wherever you're listening to the podcast. So if you want to take a little bit of a deeper dive and try and understand how all of these work together, I do think of the natural laws a lot like the chakra system, they each have their own duties and responsibilities, but they have an interplay that is strong and powerful and impactful. But the more that we understand these foundational principles of the universe, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, it really changes your consciousness in a big way. So I just wanted to invite you and remind you that there is a way that you can keep learning more about this and I hope that you will. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for listening and can't wait to speak with you again. Next week. Many blessings many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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