Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Creating Lasting Happiness: The Power of the Sacral Chakra #194

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 194

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The sacral chakra, known as Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is one of the most vital energy centers within our bodies. Located in the abdominal area, this chakra is the epicenter of our creativity, passion, and emotional well-being. It governs our capacity for joy, sensuality, and the ability to experience pleasure, making it incredibly special among the energy centers. The sacral chakra is where we find the essence of our unique creative expression and where our deepest emotions reside. When this chakra is balanced, it infuses our lives with a vibrant energy that enhances our ability to connect deeply with others and embrace the full spectrum of our human experience.

A balanced sacral chakra fosters a healthy emotional life, helping us to navigate the complexities of relationships, intimacy, and self-expression with grace and authenticity. When this chakra is in harmony, it enables us to tap into limitless joy and creativity.

Understanding and nurturing our energy centers, including the Sacral Chakra, is crucial for holistic well-being. Each chakra plays a distinct role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual health, acting as a conduit for the life force energy that flows through us. By getting to know our energy centers, we can identify and address imbalances that may manifest as physical ailments, emotional turmoil, or spiritual disconnection. 

For many,  exploring and balancing the sacral chakra is a path to rediscovering their inner joy and creative potential. 

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the Sacral Chakra, its role, how to identify imbalance, what physical and emotional symptoms imbalance can cause, the ages which set the foundation for your relationship with this energy, and how to activate this power center to create lasting happiness.

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Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Christina Wooten:

the sacral chakra is the radiant core of your creativity, your joy, your passion and when balanced it empowers you to embrace life's pleasures fully fostering a deep connection to your emotions and to the world around you. If you want to know how to create lasting happiness, the secret is in the sacral chakra.


Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts certified psychic medium Christina Wooten and Reiki master teacher, Robert Wooten break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey, they're kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spear podcast. It's Christina Wooten certified psychic medium, it's And hello, Robert.

Robert Wooten:

Hello, I am Robert Wooten Reiki master teacher. Welcome,

Christina Wooten:

everyone to the show. We're so glad that you're here. So glad that you've joined us whether this is your first time or you've been listening for a long time, we're just grateful to be able to share some of this heart space with you some energetic space wherever it is that you are listening. Today we are going to be talking about this beautiful wellspring of energy that we have available to us at all times called our Sacral Chakra, we're going to do a bit of a deep dive with the sacral chakra today. So if you are a little bit familiar with the chakras, even if you studied them more in depth, I can guarantee there's going to be information here today that just goes on turns on all of these light bulbs in your mind and your heart and really awakens this excitement for exploring what your sacral chakra is able and capable to do for you. Because it is this powerful energy center that we really, I think especially right now in this time in the world where there's a lot of chaotic energy that's happening more and more we are being drawn to turn on the lights within ourselves so that we can express that we can share that and spread it out into the world. But first in order to do that we have to understand our own energetic makeup and learn how to hack it. Basically what are the things that lead to that joyful energy being blocked? And what is it that helps us to release those blocks to open up to fully express the powerful energy that we have available to us in the sacral chakra. We have seven major chakras within our energetic body and tons of minor ones that are responsible for how our energetic body flows and expresses itself out into the world. So each of the chakras have they work together as a full system. But they each have specific functions that distribute our lifeforce energy to certain organs, but also to emotional and spiritual aspects of our wellbeing. So when we have our lifeforce energy blocked in a certain way, it's going to show up by a blockage within the chakras or a blockage within one of the energetic channels that's flowing between and through the chakras themselves. So our chakras are really the basis it's a litmus test really, for what our consciousness is doing. Where our limiting beliefs, what that relates to in our lives. It gives us a big hint if we have a blockage in a chakra that we have limiting beliefs connected with that area, or we have stored trauma that's in the area that needs to be released that's limiting and holding back our continued progression and evolution of consciousness. So our chakras are really reflections of what's happening for us in a consciousness level. And then that in turn, impacts our spiritual well being our emotional well being and our physical well being in big ways. So when we have things that are happening physically, it's because we have had a blockage within our chakra system for a very long period of time. That leads to a lack of lifeforce in that area. And ultimately, that becomes a problem we can only sustain a lack of lifeforce and sort of make up for it in other areas over a short period of time, but in the long term, it can create bigger issues and bigger problems. So today we're really focusing on one of the seven major chakra points called the sacral chakra around the word chakra translates to, we'll have light because clairvoyantly when you do look at the chakras, it has a motion. It has a movement and it has very vibrant appearance again equated to. The light in that area determines how open the chakra is how healthy the chakra is, versus when it's closed, it can either be dark or seem like that color of the chakra is non existent, because you really don't have a lot of animates lifeforce in that particular area. The

Robert Wooten:

way I've always seen it is that the lifeforce is always flowing within you. That's what allows us to be alive on this physical plane is the energetic spark of light. And then the various chakras are reflective of that light, but but the light is always there. And we'll get to this later when we're talking about like, when the chakra seems like it's dimmed down and lacking energy, it's not that the light is not available to it, it's that our consciousness or our physical brain or some trauma is inhibiting our receptivity of it. And that's why if we can change our, our understanding of what that energy is doing for us are where that blockage is, you'll see that light immediately come back out. And when we're doing a Reiki session, for instance, you can feel that moment where that chakra begins to blossom back open, it's an amazing feeling, to feel that light began to flow again, again, it's always there. It's just that our ability to receive it is being blocked, and the physical impact that that lack of flow, that we're inhibiting ourselves, right, it has an effect on us physically.

Christina Wooten:

I love what you said, because it is that light, and that higher consciousness, energy is always available to us. It's all about how open we are, how receptive we are, how allowing We are a fully expressing and fully experiencing that. So thank you for sharing that it's such a beautiful way to look at it. So in my classes when I talk about the chakra system, I always emphasize how important it is to understand that the chakras work together for the whole energetic system, so that each component is critically important to the whole. So if we don't have one area working effectively and working properly, it drags down the energy of the rest of the system and causes more challenges and more backups and more issues down the line. So it's important for us to really invest in allowing each of our chakras to be the very best that they can be. Today we're talking about the sacral chakra and the sacral chakra is the radiant core of your creativity, your joy, your passion. When that chakra that energy point in your body is balanced and empowers you to embrace life's pleasures the joys fully. It helps you to foster a really deep connection to your emotions and to the world around you. Just take a moment and imagine living with the freedom to express yourself authentically, to create innovate without fear, to engage in relationships with an innate sense of intimacy, of trust of openness, your sacral chakra helps you to value experiences to say yes and pursue what lights you up inside. it nurtures your ability to find joy and all the little things to dance through life in this very unburdened way. And also cultivates this sense of purpose and fulfillment by the life experience. But when the chakra is out of balance, you can find yourself really struggling with feelings of isolation, struggling to connect with others on a meaningful level. Feeling really creatively blocked like writer's block, it can be a part of it, or if you're just struggling to find solutions to something and you're like, where's my creative energy, I just can't seem to find it. That's always a sacral chakra issue. The demands of our daily life can just drain that zest in that sense of enthusiasm for living so that leaves us feeling uninspired, feeling disconnected from your own passions from your own desires. If you've been suppressing yourself suppressing your own needs, suppressing your own emotions and feelings just to keep moving forward day to day to day. Then you're going to feel that in the sacral chakra and that's going to really build up to become a big challenge. This is what I see a lot with people with a sacral chakra imbalance is that they know that something is not working for them. And they cannot imagine how to get out of that circumstance or out of that situation or out of that mindset. So instead of dealing with the issue that feels out of resonance for them, and really changing their life or changing their lifestyle, or whatever it ends up being, the easier thing to do is to just suppress my feelings, my negative feelings about the situation and just to keep moving forward. And you can do that for a very short period of time. But after that short period of time it's over, you're really feeling the effects because you're shutting down not just your negative emotions, but you're shutting down your positive emotions to those are in the same centers, you're also suppressing your joy, your happiness, your sense of playfulness, your sense of humor, all of that is very connected. Your inner child work is all very connected with the sacral chakra zero repressing all of it. And So lo and behold, it makes the situation compounded so much worse, because now you're struggling to feel joy and other areas of your life and happiness and other places. Because you've shut down that center so that you are not feeling the negative consequences of continuing to move forward. This happens a lot you know, and a lot of times the sacral chakra blockages are connected also with a root chakra blockage and a throat chakra blockage. So usually those are connected if you've got a blockage in the throat chakra you have one in the sacral a have a blockage in the sacral chakra you have one throat chakra, and then most of the time the Root Chakra is mixed in with that as well because it's it's fear. It's fear that really is a big part of it. And fear is connected a lot with our root chakra. The sacral chakra is the English name, but the original name is spot Astana. It is an orange chakra energy center, which is located below the navel in the abdominal area. And that center part of the abdominal area. It is the source of creativity and it's our emotional center like we've been talking about. It's also the energy of flowing, of allowing, it's the Center for our libido. For our friendliness for our relationships with others, it helps us to establish healthy intimacy, it aids us in controlling addiction. This is a big one, if you have an addictive personality or whether that's related to food, if you find that you're seeking dopamine a lot in some way, if you struggle with sexual addiction, or alcohol addiction or substance addiction, any sort of addiction, it's you know, what's what we're addicted to is really just part of the symptom, right of the big issue. And the issue is really comes back to the sacral chakra itself. It's also our source of passion and enthusiasm for things and it helps us to process and to release negative emotions. So what's interesting is, like we were talking about a lot of people shut down that Sacral Chakra because what they're trying to do is like repress the feeling, and repress everything that's related to the feeling to be able to move forward from the circumstance. But we need that Sacral Chakra in order to process the emotion and to be able to move through it and become open to the new possibilities to flow to adapt to adjust to express our creativity, to figure out what our passion is our new passion. And so instead of delaying an ending, you know, we can look at our Sacral Chakra is helping us to find what that new beginning looks like helping us to find what is our excitement? What is our joy? What is that thing that just revs our engines and you know, we can't stop talking about and we're excited, it just brings that sense of happiness. To Us.

Robert Wooten:

I look at it like this, if you can imagine that your energy flow is like a river. And then you throw a large rock right in the middle of the river that could be a trauma of some sort or an incident or something that hits you. The river will at first go around the rock or I'll go over it. But if the rock is large enough, it can actually block up the whole flow. But what you have to understand is that energy is still trying to flow it find other ways to go around it. It can try to wear down the rock or it can push the rock on downstream if you let it but if you could consciously live If the rock up and move it, you would see the flow would begin flowing all over again, like as opposed to unimpeded. And so whenever you would have something happen like that, and we have to understand that that's what it's doing is it's blocking up that flow, it doesn't necessarily always stop the flow, but it can block it up and cause it to deviate in different directions. So you might find an emotion is being expressed somewhere else where it's not related to the trauma that you may have had. So you might find that it's out of proportion to expressing to the thing that actually is, you think you're expressing when it's actually related to something else, once

Christina Wooten:

we get into that traumatized place where a limiting belief or a trauma is blocking that energetic flow, it freezes that energy in this state until we begin to deal with it. So it really in a lot of ways, it prevents change. It prevents, you know, a new pattern coming into our lives and new way of looking at things and new way of expressing itself. It just locks that energy in place until we are ready to deal with it one way or the other. The Sacral Chakra to me when I visualize it, the first thing that comes to my mind is the idea of the birth of Venus by Botticelli, that big painting, we've got all these water elements, the sacral chakra is a water organ, which we'll talk about in a minute. But you have this just really feminine type of energy flowing through. And you can sense that softness, the beauty, that sense of allowing that peacefulness that creativity is all beautifully expressed in the painting. So when I think about the sacral, chakra energy, that's what I think about is the birth of Venus. So if you're familiar with that painting, I hope that that gives you a little bit of an energetic sense of this passionate, enthusiastic place that's inside of us. It is very connected with the water, and it's known as a water chakra. And the reason is that it governs the menstrual flow for women, and also governs the flow of urine to the kidneys and to the bladder. So it has this really strong connection influence with water, and the essence of water within the body. But also, that makes it very connected with the moon as well. So we see what happens with the tides based on what's happening with the moon and the moon cycles and the gravitational poles. And this is happening also. And impacting directly our Sacral Chakra is well the water that's within our bodies. And I would always notice when I worked at the hospitals that we had more admissions during that full moon time, and I know that we had more admissions as well at the Women's Hospital giving birth, which is that whole reproductive area is governed by the sacral, chakra, and our emotional centers all governed by the sacral chakra. So we have this heightened, powerful energy that's impacting the sacral chakra, you could see the evidence of that in statistics. In our world that we're seeing, there's more admissions, we're seeing that there's more people giving birth around that time, it was just really interesting to see this direct correlation and connection. So the flow of water and connecting with the element of water is really important as we connect with the sacral chakra. And that's one of the things that we can do to activate this energy more in our life is to build your relationship with water and water around you. We'll talk about that in just a little bit. So he mentioned that the sacral chakra is important in that it also helps us to let go of negative things, negative emotions to process through them, so we can move through them and integrate them in a different way. But it also helps us to manage things like guilt and shame. And it's the ability to be able to release and to let go of things on a deeper and a more emotional level. That is so important in the freedom that we feel to really be ourselves to self acceptance, to working through our identity to self esteem, all of that is critically important to our sense of well being and our happiness is not having that kind of stuff hanging around us all the time and revisiting the pains of the past to be able to process them and move forward. So in the same way that you can have an underactive or a blocked chakra, you can also have a really super active chakra where it's really wide open. It's maybe a little bit out of balance from all of the other chakras and that can cause a little bit of problems to the people who have orange auras, which means they really operate a lot from the sacral chakra is actually really rare. It's unusual for people But at the end, it's because of what we've talked about already. So many people shut down their own needs or are not able to find the tools to process the big emotions they have. So they're shutting them down subconsciously or they're just, you know, they've learned to accept not having happiness in their life in some way. And so, you know, they're, they're shutting that down instead of the opposite. So let's talk about people who have this, they're really functioning in a big way from the sacral chakra that for most people, it actually looks like the adrenaline junkie. The adrenaline junkie is not connected with the heart chakra. It is the sacral chakra. So this unquenchable thirst and desire for stimulation and big stimulation, love, sometimes love the drama, you can see that with people with the sacral chakra being way, way too open, always seeking excitement. And creative stimulation can be really adaptable and very, very pleasure seeking. It's a super intense type of personality and intense energy with big feelings, like big emotions, and a lot impatient and impulsive. So it's a really intense energy overall, when you're adrenaline seeking, you're sometimes taking really dangerous risks in or you're seeking so much stimulation, you're seeking so much energy constantly, that you're willing to, at times put your physical body at risk in order to seek this continuous stimulation all the time. But that means you're out of balance with your root chakra because you're when your root chakra is in balance, you're like, Well, you know what, I'm not willing to put my physical body at risk. Let me see what else feels in alignment or feels joy. So we want to always be connected like that. signs that your sacral chakra is out of balance could be that your body is very rigid, very tense, excessive guilt, you're really beating yourself up all the time with shame, addictive personality, repeating constantly bad relationship patterns, or being really attracted to the bad boy or you know, someone with a personality disorder repeatedly. Sexual Dysfunction, low libido, drama. Depression is a big one. That's what I would always see as soon as somebody would talk to me, we're sitting down to do Reiki and they were letting me know that they were in this state of feeling really depressed, I automatically knew that was a sacral issue, isolation, detachments to things and situations, reproductive problems, or fertility issues, cervical abnormalities, infections in the sexual areas, chronic lower back pain, sciatica, and hip problems, those are all big indicators of something is out of alignment, whether it's been there for a long time, it's starting to affect your physical body, or the orientation of your physical body, or you're just seeing some of those emotional patterns play out. Now, if you have noticed within yourself that you feel like you've carried a sacral, chakra blockage, or you've had it for a long time, or some of these things that I'm saying are really resonating with you and you're like, Oh, this is all starting to click in. It's all starting to make sense of where some things might be out of balance is we need to take it a little bit deeper, beyond just that surface level of what's happening with the chakra, what are some of its responsibilities, but we want to go into understanding how to have a really healthy and vibrant Sacral Chakra so that you aren't maybe clearing it a little bit, but you're deeply cleansing and clearing any of that trauma that might be still there within your system and could be part of why your lifeforce isn't flowing in this way. And in order to do that we need to understand the sacral chakra in a bit of a different way. The primary development of your sacral chakra happens when you are age six through approximately age 12. So it's important to understand what's happening in our human development. Around this particular time when the belief systems that are most important to the sacral chakra are being developed and solidified within our consciousness. What's happening between age six and age 12 for you is critically important to your relationship with your sacral chakra. Now that doesn't mean that you can't develop or have traumas that happen later, that impact it. You can look at your life around that time and look at some of the things we're going to talk about in just a moment and see if you can identify if there is a bigger foundation shin and a bigger platform for heavy energy that you might be carrying with you at this time. So during that stage of development, between six and 12, we're talking about Erikson stage of development. So we have several stages of development that we go through as, as people to develop our personalities develop our way of looking at the world and connecting and interacting with society as as a big picture element in our life. Let's talk about the fourth stage. So the fourth stage is industry versus inferiority and industry. I know that's such a strange word to use. But it's more about building and creating something. So think of it that way versus like a work in history, because remember, we're talking about ages six through about 12. But it this time in our life is when you start school, you start to build friendships, and your social world begins to become important. So you know, before then you've been really connected with home and that intimate environment of home. But now, you're suddenly starting school, your peers and your play becomes really, really important your interactions within each other. And we start to also have a little bit of a hierarchy begin to develop and how we're we're treated in the world, and what behaviors are rewarded, and what behaviors are punished and so forth, that has a big impact on ourselves, you start to also notice differences in other people, and differences in yourself versus other people. This is when you start to develop your own preferences and start to recognize the things that you like, and also the things that you don't like and start to identify yourself with some of those preferences. Before this time, you know, before six, there's pretty low expectations on you, you know, you get the opportunity to play for pleasure sake. So you've been playing for pleasure sake, and suddenly you're going to school environment, where things are evaluated, things are judged, there's expectations, you start to again, be rewarded based on those expectations or punished based on those expectations. This is also the time where you start to as you're developing your preferences, you're also starting to explore and recognize what your own feelings are, that should be something that's happening in this time of development. So it's a huge, critical, important time. And you can see how, when we're doing inner child work, it's a lot of times it's bringing us back to this place of starting to explore to recognize our own feelings, to give ourselves permission to acknowledge and validate our feelings to acknowledge that we're good despite what it is that we send out into the world that we're worthy in, okay, so there's a huge link between the inner child work to this particular stage of development and to the sacral chakra at all leads back to this huge power center. When you navigate this developmental stage, which is building the basis, the foundation for how you relate to your sacral chakra, when you navigate it productively, you develop a sense of self worth, you develop a sense of confidence, you develop a sense that you know, hey, it's we all win and lose, sometimes you're gonna win some sometimes you're gonna lose some that doesn't mean you're a terrible person. If you know you lose some so that those are things you should be developing, gives you some resilience. But if not, if you have struggled with this stage, maybe you had unstable caregivers. Maybe you had people with poor boundaries around you, maybe you didn't have encouragement, reassurance support, help assistance, to identify what was happening and to mirror things back to you. Then instead of developing that Unshakable Confidence and that sense of optimism, about things you might develop a sense of worthlessness, inferiority, hopelessness, you might have lifelong battles with anxiety, depression and substance abuse as means of, I suppose, the substance abuse as a means of like coping with those big intense heavy feelings and trying to find and seek stimulation. So think about this for yourself. Did you have this in your environment, in all of the different environments, whether it was your school environment, your home environment, your other communities, like your church communities, or faith communities, or people that you've gathered with your neighborhood friends? In your pure circle, did you have these things present, because if you did, then you have a good foundation for your sacral chakra to be built off. And if not, if you had a lot of challenges in that area, then very likely, there's a strong foundation that you're going to have to, you know, heal and recreate. So what helps people and if you have kids also want you to think about how to provide this to them. For this age, specifically, in this stage of development, it's super important to help children feel competent, with encouragement and support. So you're encouraging them, you know, if they get knocked down, or they've tried something, and it didn't work out, it's like, Hey, you can do it. You know, I believe in you. Yeah, it's hard. Yeah, that one didn't work out. But what else can you try? It's really like, letting them know, yes, you're gonna fall down, yes, things are not going to work out that, you know, just stand up. And like what's next. And exploring that without invalidating their feelings. You help them recognize and label their emotions, that's really important. So having an adult in your life that did that for you helped you, like mirror back to you. Okay, you're crying, it looks like you're really sad, or you looks like you're upset about something. Tell me more and start to understand, get beyond just those words about sad. We talked about feeling charts before, like, Okay, well, what are the other feelings? What are the other words, you know, beyond just sad, mad happy, that helps you identify what's happening. So developing this emotional intelligence for yourself, and understanding what's happening. And cultivating a sense of self awareness is really important, developing empathy. So having someone who's encouraging you to explore how other people are, might be feeling and understanding their emotional responses to things and how they might be responding to you, and help you understand your response to them as well, is critically important. And then, of course, helping the child feel like their contribution to the world isn't just in productivity isn't just in what they can do, you know, patting them on the head, it's, you know, okay, good job, you did this really well. But it's also recognizing that, you know, they have intrinsic value and intrinsic worth, and also recognizing some of the special skills that they have, and encouraging them in that areas being something to explore and help them, you know, have the tools and the resources to express that into the world. So those things are really important to have that consistently in your environment. And and when you have that it helps develop this confidence, it helps to develop that optimism and helps to develop that sense of self esteem. So if you've had self esteem issues consistently, this is really something to look at. People who grow up in really abusive environments, or experienced sexual abuse store a lot of that trauma in the sacral chakra, and it's a source of a lot of emptiness and sadness and hurt until it that all those really huge emotions can be processed and be supported and be heard, and acknowledged and understood. I've had so many clients that I've worked with energy wise, heal profoundly, when they released a sacral chakra block, they had sort of accepted as being a part of their personality, which were contributing to negative experiences in their life or things that they didn't prefer continuing to manifest over and over and they just thought it was kind of them. But when they released that energy blockage, it was like, oh, it's not me, you know, and really being able to suddenly find this newfound sense of creativity and joy and play and lightness in their life. It's really I would say more than any other chakra. It's like, night and day, when you see somebody's Sacral Chakra turn on it really is. It's like a different person, in a great way. Like it's just the light comes on behind people's eyes. Yeah. So I was thinking about this in particular, and one client really came to my forefront of my mind as I was, you know, processing how I was going to share all of this with you all today. And this particular woman she was came in, I believe in her 50s. She had suffered horrific, horrific abuse and neglect from a narcissistic mother who probably also had some other undiagnosed things happening in the background, but it was really horrific stuff, how that expressed itself in her Life and one of the reasons she was coming to me, she constantly felt like she had to be this nurturing person for other people. So ironically, because she had not had that she was overcompensating constantly in this area of life, just carrying the weight of other people's cares and burdens all the time, denying her own needs, constantly sacrificing herself, always feeling too, like she had to strive for validation. And she'd worked really, really hard. She was super successful in her career, because she would work so hard all the time. But then she would get to the top and realize that, like, it didn't mean anything to her that the result that she was looking for wasn't in a title or wasn't in an award specifically, that left her feeling more empty, that she just felt compelled constantly to be proving and just getting stuck in this proving cycle of striving, striving, striving, being rewarded along the way for hard work for hustle for all of that type of energy. It's like she felt like she had to earn her worth all the time. And if she wasn't having to struggle for it, and when validation, then it didn't matter to her which, of course was as you can imagine, was leaving her feeling just empty and hurt and like aching inside. And she carried that trauma with her for as long as she could remember what we were talking about. It was interesting as her spirit guides that were around her, were always strong, feminine figures. So all women, which is pretty unusual, there's usually a little bit of a blend, but hers was all women. And I feel like that it was all women for reason, because it was trying to help her to heal. And I think showing her that love could be experienced through this lens of femininity, and with a female body as well. I feel like what spirit was trying to help her understand also was that she could be loved, supported and guided by women also. But it was interesting that she had attracted and had all of these feminine guides helping her I think, ultimately to try and heal what was a very core wound within herself. So we did a really big clearing in a Reiki healing session focused on the sacral chakra. Now we have been working together for a little bit kind of building up to this place. But we did one specific session really focused on this issue and focused on the sacral chakra. And it was like night and day. Suddenly, the next time I see her, she's just smiling, she's lit up inside, she's feeling super balanced, she's at peace with her own body. It was an enormous shift. And I've worked with her several times since then just over the years for different issues. And her energy signature is totally different than that first times that I met her it's, it's like a different person. So it's amazing when we clear that Sacral Chakra wound, how powerful it can be in our lives. So

Robert Wooten:

this kind of healing is profound that you're talking about here. Because when you start healing from an energetic level, it has repercussions throughout the entire inner body. And so if you've been walking around with one of your chakras completely shut down. For years, it's going to have like we talked about the river overflowing being diverted in different places, it's going to have its repercussions in different ways, right. So when you can open that flow back up again, and you can open that energy center back up to function and fulfill its role in interacting with the other chakras and flowing the energy in a more fluid process, then you're going to see these phenomenal changes. What I find most interesting about the sacral chakra as a man is that I have to check in on mine occasionally, because I do have a tendency as a man to shut out my emotions. I've been taught that way from generations of men before me. And so I think that we think of this as a very feminine aspect. When I was first introduced to the sacral chakra that was the way it was introduced. To me it's it's a very sacred because it's feminine and aspect and it's water and aspect and it flows and it's fluid. Those are not what we typically attribute to masculine attributes or

Christina Wooten:

masculine attributes that you are rewarded for right. Now, of course, every being regardless of their gender presenting, has emotions and has creative essence and has creative energy, but it's not rewarded and men often right.

Robert Wooten:

So yeah, what we have to understand about the sacral chakra is it's not just for women, right? It's for men also because it so heavily influences our emotional balance. So yes, it's equally important for men to understand this ask Fact of their energetic system as it is women? Absolutely.

Christina Wooten:

I think that our society needs to do a deep dive and some deep reflection about how are we supporting children during this critical time? How are we supporting the young men in the world, you know, those fathers who are yelling at their, you know, sons Don't cry, get up, suck it up. This has a huge and profound impact on how they're going to approach the world moving forward and the collective consciousness that we all bring to the situation because they're going to carry that trauma with them until it's healed until it's fully processed, which very rarely, if they've already shut down all those emotions and feelings, and taught not to pay attention to them, they're probably not going to reinvestigate that even as 60 7080 that plays a big contributing factor to some of the issues that we have in the world as well, because there's a collective blockage in the sacral chakra and the things that are valued and rewarded are not necessarily things that lead to balance, and lead to help the expression for each person, we're not individualizing things and focusing on you know, the well being of each person. Instead, we're like, like, generally, we're gonna paint this with this paintbrush, and you know, if you don't fall on that line, like, Well, no, too bad. So there's a lot for us to explore and investigate. And I agree with you, the sacral chakra is typically for a lot of people, they associated more with women, because it is the area of potential of fertility, which you know, is a very feminine center. But there's a lot more that it's contributing, and it's in males for a reason. So let's talk about how to get started healing it. Obviously, I think, in my experience, one of the most effective long term solutions, is Reiki, Reiki healing, if you have a deep wound, learning how to do Reiki for yourself, working with someone who can help you from an energetic healing perspective to address you don't have to know why there's an issue there, in order for energetic healing to help you because it's going to like Robert, you're talking about that block that's in the center of the stream, that big boulder that's there, you don't have to know the name of that boulder for it to be able to be removed and be released. And I think that's the beautiful part of the energy work is sometimes we're not aware of where that block comes from. And we don't have to know it and name it before it releases and for lets go. And that's kind of the power of that. So I think that that is always number one. If you have deeper challenges and issues that have impacted you profoundly emotionally, working with a counselor or working with someone who specializes in inner child work can be very helpful in working on some of that subconscious connection if you were not supported in the way that you needed to be supported in those critical times as a child, and you need to create a new foundation, having a professional support you with that. And I really think that, you know, counseling and Reiki together can really create big, permanent and lasting change in someone's life. Because you're addressing two major things you're addressing the mind and our thinking, which has really big impacts on how we perceive the world and how we perceive ourselves and our potential. And you're also addressing at the same time, the energy and changing the energy, which is going to change the patterns is going to change some of the things how you're expressing yourself, it's going to create more openness to new possibilities and more openness to that healing. So the two of those together is like whoa whammy type of situation. I always think those are number one, you know, sometimes you have to take a deep dive and do the deep work. And if you want the lasting happiness that the sacral chakra can provide, it comes from a balanced state in addressing both of those can be really helpful, at least, especially addressing the energetic blockages and releasing that so that the energy is flowing. And a better way is going to make a really big difference. But there's some other things that you can do just here in there to help maintain the sacral chakra and keep things open. Doing things like hip opening work on a daily basis can be helpful because we store so much of these emotions in our hip. And the reason is because our Sacral Chakra is right there and that's our emotional center. So whatever we're repressing or denying is is going right into those muscle tissues and also goes into the buttocks. So if you notice that you have sciatica, you have piriformis issues, you have hip issues, your joints are, you know struggling a bit in that area or you just feel tight, especially when you wake up in the morning or during the day you struggle to Open fully the hips. This is telling you there's some emotional stuff and emotional baggage that may be impacting that area of the body. So doing really gentle hip opening exercises with someone who specializes in that area or working with a physical therapist to help with that, or even doing something that's more movement oriented. So maybe you feel more inclined to do intuitive movement, or to learn belly dance, or to learn some sort of expressive movement, the sacral chakra, because it's water, it needs to flow in, it likes to move. So it's important to try and find ways when you're thinking about therapeutic connections with the sacral chakra to incorporate movement can be really helpful.

Robert Wooten:

And don't be surprised if you find yourself doing that and you start feeling some emotional action to what you might yes your hip in a certain way, or you might stretch in a certain way. And then suddenly, this overwhelming sense of either sadness or happiness just might wash over you, that's a good sign, actually, what is happening is you're beginning to move that energy, again, you're opening up the flow of that energy, but it is surprising when it happens. Sometimes it's true. And

Christina Wooten:

maybe, and you know, I think we associate these hidden things with being like, Oh, I'm gonna have this negative emotion. But you once you activate the sacral, you can have this joy as like burst of laughter, you know, and silliness. And just as that energy begins to open up, you really feel some amazing feelings from it. And maybe you've done a lot of hip openers or a lot of movement before. But if you haven't paired that with the intention of unlocking the emotions that are stored within the body, you may not have quite hit the right note, because you weren't listening to your system with that thought in mind, or with that openness to that energy in mind. So once you express that openness, and set that intention, and begin to flow with the energy that's there, then it opens up this whole new world that you may not have even realized was there, make sure that you are doing a lot to release tension within your body, whether it's just stretching or just acknowledging when your body is starting to feel tense, making sure you're doing that self awareness work, because that's going to be how you notice your triggers how you start to pay attention to like, okay, is my body tense? How's it feeling right now? You know, if you have struggled with being that person who ignores your feelings, somebody says, How are you feeling you're like, I don't know, you have to create a habit that helps you touch into the feelings, and it's gonna feel weird at first, it's going to be strange, because you have to kind of force yourself to do lots of check ins, and it starts first with your body, your body can inform you a lot about what emotional stuff is happening within your system. So asking your body, how is it feeling if it's feeling tense? And when you start to notice that there's tension there? Where did this come from? And exploring those types of questions, what's happened. And as you start to do that, on a daily and irregular basis, you really start to notice some of your repeat triggers and repeat patterns that might be showing up to help you lead to what you can do to create some more healing in your life. And then we talked about movement being important, but create a relationship with water is huge, because it is this water Oregon, and we need to be reminded to flow and when we're trying to balance the water in our bodies, having water around us makes a big difference, whether it's putting a fountain in and just listening to the sound of water Listening to the rain sounds before you go to sleep and trying to imagine and feel that energy taking Epsom salt baths or you know, really taking any baths. But Epsom salts are really clearing for the emotional energy as well. Or if you've picked up like heavy energy, doing swimming as an exercise can be really beautiful playing in that, you know, Dolphin energy, that water energy, floating, doing just floating practices, spending more time by the lake spending more time but just being intentional about your body needs water to to help you reflect and get into that emotional healing state. So you're going to have to make opportunities for you to be around water in a deeper way. So we're not just talking about just like let me take a shower right quick. It's how do I learn from the essence in the element of water in my life? How can that in an unspoken way, begin to shift and open my heart? So what can the lake teach me about how I can start approaching my life? What can being around the water animals? How can that shift my energy and shift my consciousness in ways that I'm not intending and ways that I may not be able to understand logically but just by being in its presence, you begin to open up and Soft and be more quiet. I always think water, you know brings us into more of a state of inner peace. And it allows us to reach that state of releasing and letting go. So surrounding yourself and being very intentional about water can make a very big difference in helping you to connect with the waters and balance the waters that are within your body. So I think that is a good, strong, solid, deep dive into the sacral chakra how ultimately your limitless potential for joy for creativity for happiness exists within exists within your sacral chakra. And the more that you energize this area, within your body and you balance it and allow it to express itself in the world. The more you're going to feel that you attract things to be joyful about as well you begin to create and manifest with more ease because again, this is our creative place, the more you are expressing things in an innovative way, a truly new way of creating in the world. It's an important energy to tap into. And especially if you've dealt with anxiety if you've dealt with feeling really down and struggling with repeating a lot of patterns. Explore how the sacral chakra can be an important component to your healing and go deeper with it really connect with what your sacral chakra is trying to tell you. And it can be really life changing to do so not just a temporary Band Aid type of fix, I mean, really a change of consciousness. Before I close today, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that we have a Reiki one and two certification class coming up. So if you want to connect with your chakras, or to help other people in their healing journey, if you want to know how you can channel healing energy through your body through your system in order to allow for deep healing to occur, there's no requirements. This is a beginner's class. For everyone, you're welcome to join us September 14, and 15th. Here in the Sedona area. It's from 10am to 4pm. But you need to register in order to join us and you can also learn more about the class some of the things that we're going to be covering but it's all about the chakras. It's all about understanding how you can channel healing energy into your body and adjust your energy for higher consciousness. You can find out more and register at Sedona forward slash inner peace, that Sedona forward slash inner peace. I'd like to thank you so much for listening today. Thank you for sharing your love and light. I hope that this has helped you in some way get more connected with yourself to reflect on your experiences and how your sacral chakra what kind of foundation it's sitting on, and thankful to have had the opportunity to share some of my experience with you today. And I send as always, so much love so much light and many blessings many blessings.

Robert Wooten:

The modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological, legal or financial advice. information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona

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