Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

What Loved Ones Are Doing on the Other Side: Insights from a Psychic Medium #198

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 198

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Have you ever caught yourself wondering what your loved ones are up to on the other side?  Well, you’re in for a treat because we’re diving into the fascinating world beyond the physical plane, exploring what spirits and loved ones are really doing after they’ve crossed over. If you’ve ever felt that little tug at your heart, hoping they’re okay, this episode is here to bring you some serious reassurance.

We’re pulling back the curtain on what life is like after death, and trust me, it’s way more than just floating around on clouds!  Christina will share more about what she's learned as a Psychic Medium, talking to those on the other side about their life after life.  You’ll find out that our spirits continue to grow, learn, and have all kinds of amazing experiences—and it’s all happening in the most joyful, love-filled way.

So, if you’re in the mood to feel connected and maybe even a little comforted, grab a cozy spot and join us. This chat is perfect for anyone who’s curious about the afterlife, missing a loved one, or just looking to add a little more warmth to their day.  The love and connection we share never truly fades—it just transforms and continues to guide us from the other side!

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Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you here

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Christina Wooten:

Have you ever wondered what it's like for those who have crossed over? Today, I'm sharing messages and information that I've received from spirits on the other side about what spirits are doing on the other side, how they're expressing themselves, and what it's like.


Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts, certified psychic medium Christina Wooten and Reiki Master Teacher Robert Wooten, break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world.

Christina Wooten:

Hey there, kindred spirits. Welcome to Modern life and spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten, certified psychic medium at Sedona and Hello.

Robert Wooten:

I am Reiki Master Teacher. Robert Wooten, welcome. Welcome

Christina Wooten:

to the show today.

Robert Wooten:

Well, here we are in early fall. It's starting to feel like early fall around here, getting these nice, cool temperatures in the morning, 70s. It's good to get out and go for early morning walks.

Christina Wooten:

To be clear, this is late 70s. So you know, our idea at this point is pretty jaded, of what cooler temperatures look like. It's anything that hits under 80. Yeah, feels like, Oh, it's so nice outside. So good, beautiful. Yeah,

Robert Wooten:

as we're honoring these transitions into the new seasons, you know, we welcome in this new energy, and then we reflect back on the earlier parts of the year, you know, as the traditions for fall and the harvest season is starting to come upon us, you know, we think about all the good things that have happened to us and all of the positive growth we've done, and all of the rewards we have received and things that we can, you know, just think about and be grateful for. I think this is the type of time of season that begins to happen.

Christina Wooten:

The closer we get to Halloween and we start to see the fun Halloween things come up, that's when I started to get really, really excited. And I'm like, Ah, yes, it's gonna be great. Actually, yesterday I went to Flagstaff, and they have a home goods and Flagstaff, and that's one of my favorite little places to just wander around and get lost. It reminds me of when my grandmother and I would always make these trips to like TJ, Maxx and Ross and just wandering, you know, through the aisles. That was always really fun for me, and it's something that I do now, like, when I go up to home goods in Flagstaff, I'm like, reliving that in a way, and always actually invite my grandmother in spirit and say, Hey, come join me. And so we wander the aisles together, just me and the spirit of grandma, but I saw yesterday this really cool aroma therapy diffuser. And it was a cauldron, like a witch's cauldron. It was, I mean, it was little, like it was, you know, two hands put together about that size, but it would diffuse like a mist, like it was coming out of the cauldron, and like flames, it was the coolest thing. I thought, Ah, I mean, these are the types of things, like fun little spiritual play things, in a way, really do bring out that inner child and that silliness and that joyfulness. And, you know, I think anytime we can have things that spark a sense of play within us is always really exciting. We need more of that balance, because so much of our culture is centered around work and doing and in harshness, almost. And, you know, play and that joy and that silliness really is so much closer to what our true spirits really are about. Yeah,

Robert Wooten:

I heard someone say the other day that laughter is the true Language of Spirit. And if you notice, a lot of your really spiritual people are quite often very joyous and bubbly and happy people, and they will laugh about the most random things, because that is the Language of Spirit is laughter and joy. Paramahansa,

Christina Wooten:

Yogananda, would talk about like he would break out in these fits of laughter every now and then about how Divine Mother was playing jokes on people, you know, with our sense of illusion and our sense of challenge and difficulty and harshness and so forth that, and he would just break out in these little bubbles of laughter around that, oh, this was such A such a divine joke that we were experiencing the illusion of this type of world. So talking about our true spirits, I wanted for us to just address questions that I get asked pretty frequently as a medium. What are people doing on the other side? What is that like? What kinds of experiences are they having? I think we all want to know that our loved ones are doing well and in a positive place, in a positive state of being, but what exactly are they doing? What does it mean to be on the other side? What kinds of experiences are available to them? So I thought that we would just hit the highlights. I've seen a lot of very. Varied experiences from, you know, every spirit that I talk to, I'm always learning something new. Even though I'm a medium, I still feel like I'm just viewing the spirit world through like a pinhole. You know, there's only so much that you could see in this infinite space and expanse, and so much more knowledge that I'd love to have about everything that's happening on the other side, and I know that what I'm able to experience is still a limited version of that. But that being said, I thought that we would talk about some of the things that I've learned from the spirits that I've spoken to on the other side, what kinds of things that they are doing, generally, and experiences that they are having in a highlights kind of way. So first and foremost, spirits are continuing to grow and evolve. On the other side, just because we have shed the need for a physical body on here on the physical earth plane, it doesn't mean that our consciousness isn't still continuing to grow. So a big part of that is, you know, learning. So I've seen people go to what looks like conferences and what looks like experiences where people are all gathered together. There seems to be what, you know, we would call some form of a worship happening and connection happening. I've seen people gathered around like they're listening to a talk from an Ascended Master or from more advanced spirit guides and beings. So there's gathering where people are listening and that that somehow is growing their consciousness. And also it seems that a lot of these workshops or growth experiences that people are working on, on the other side are things that are connected with the type of growth they need from helping them to keep going to the next level from their past life. So maybe they struggled with having a work life balance, or being more emotionally intelligent or more sensitive to other people, then they might be learning about those specific things that they can then integrate on the other side and look to bring forward more in the next, following lifetime. So learning experiences still seem to be one of the number one things we're doing on the other side. But one of the blessings of being able to do readings is that I'm able to feel what spirits are bringing forward, and so I've had the great pleasure of feeling that experience of being on the other side and what it's like, as spirits try and impress upon me what that feels like, so that I can express that to their loved ones, because so many people are worried about is my loved one okay? And it's like, yeah, they're more than okay. Actually, they're amazing. And so it's been describing, you know, what's the word that's beyond joy? You know, the best place I can get is a Nirvana, a bliss and ecstasy. But even those words don't feel like it's able to capture the right feeling, the right emotive expression. It's something that we don't have here. The closest that we have here is a sense of joy and elation, but it's beyond that, and that's the experience that spirit is having all the time. So here we have these very varied emotions that are up and down and this and that, and it doesn't seem to be that way. From what spirit has shown me, it seems to be more in the spirit world, there's a consistency of that feeling of elation and ecstasy and bliss that is in the backdrop of everything that they're doing. So when we think about learning and growth. It's not a laborious process. It's this joy, the joy of being able to learn, and as we learn, we continue to expand and expand our world. So that's a big part of what we're doing. On the other side, other things that I've seen is loved ones share that they're exploring their passions more deeply than they were able to do here in their physical life, because maybe their circumstances were somewhat limited or did not allow them to do and explore certain things. And so now in the spirit world, they have these infinite resources to be able to learn and pursue that and explore. So one example is I've had a spirit come through who really loved music. They considered themselves a little bit of a musician here on the earth plane. They loved to play their guitar and and express themselves through music. And when they crossed over at a younger age, I think they were around their mid 30s, when they crossed over, they continue to explore that passion for music. So they would learn from other guitar players and other people who were there on the other side, learn how to express themselves. They learned about what the essence of music really is, how music can be a part of healing. How music and sound is really significant in our world and our experience, and the undercurrents of all of that, how to manipulate and shift sound for different effects and different experiences. I saw him one time go to some sort of a concert that is similar to a symphony like we would go to. It was something like that, where it was a performance, but it was a performance beyond, like we think of music as just sound, but it was sound and emotion coming through, and this energy that was happening, it was healing at the same time, it was really, really interesting. So you could also have people who wanted to travel, for example, have the opportunity to explore all the places that they didn't get to explore from the Spirit side, just because we don't have a body doesn't mean that we can't connect with that area, that place, explore, grow, learn, and experience it more vibrantly than we would be able to experience it with The limitation of a physical body. So it's so interesting how we're able whatever your passions are, you are able to continue to pursue that on the other side and keep learning and express it, even if they're under developed here on the earth plane.

Robert Wooten:

When you are talking about them doing things and working and going places, do they have a version of a body that they're moving around in? Do you get that sense, or is it more of like this? Their consciousness is moving from place to place to place. It's

Christina Wooten:

hard to describe. It's not a body in the way that we perceive of a body as having, like, a physical mass, and, you know, a very specific like you can touch it. It's hot, warm, and that sort of thing. I would describe it as more of an energetic form that can be projected and it can change. So they might appear to one person as who that person knew them in life, and maybe their favorite emanation of that person. So you know, if that person was very close to them at a certain time of life, they might appear to them as being at that time, but that wouldn't necessarily be how they would identify with each person. So as they're moving around and expressing themselves, that consciousness, they can project the imagery of what they would like this quote, physical body to look like, but it's not physical. It's more of a projection. Is the best way I would describe it. I mean, it does have some element of form to it, and then there's a sense of like, sort of a beginnings of that energy, and an endings to that energy. In some ways, when people come through on the other side, I know that they're showing me how that person is going to recognize them, rather than being necessarily how they choose to show up. Because most of the time when they're on the other side, a majority of people will take the form of their younger self, so around like prime of their life around the 30s, and that's the form that they usually feel vibrant and comfortable in, although, you know, I've seen that be different for some people. Some people prefer to take an older, sort of wiser viewpoint. And Joy guides, for example, will often appear as children, even though they are not children, their energy is more aligned with helping people to connect with their child, like essence, and so as a result, they usually will project forward that imagery, right? So let's say our bodies are flexible because it's a very projection oriented essence, but we can recognize the energy of that person regardless of how they appear to us. And this is what's so different about how we relate to each other. On the other side, it doesn't matter how that person appears, we sense and feel their energy is like, oh, that's Robert or Oh, that's Lisa or Oh, that's Jennifer. Regardless of how they look, we're not dependent upon our eyes as telling us who that person is. We feel their essence, consciousness and energy and immediately recognize who that is in front of us. So that person could appear to you as how they appeared in a previous life, and you would recognize them automatically, of like, oh, that's Jennifer. I haven't seen her in so long, similar

Robert Wooten:

to how, in what dreams may come the movie with Robin Williams, the doctor friend of his, who was an older white gentleman in life that he knew him was a younger African American in the afterlife. That was the personification that he preferred to be seen in in the spirit world, versus the version that Robin Williams knew him, but Robin Williams knew who he was whenever he first saw him.

Christina Wooten:

There's several really great examples of that in that movie. I don't want to spoil any things about it, but there's definitely some good examples, and I think that's a good one from that movie. If you haven't seen the movie. Do be prepared. It's a it's a heart wrenching tear jerker,

Robert Wooten:

full box of Kleenex movie. It, yes, it

Christina Wooten:

is a Costco size box, clean. It's but is a fabulous movie, and it's a real emotional journey. So if you are sensitive in your grief process, it's not something I would definitely recommend for an earlier part of that journey, but it is a really cool expression of what the other side can be like. So you mentioned about Spirits working, and I think that it's important to talk about that, that spirits do have jobs, not in the same way that we typically think of it. So in our world, when we think about jobs, is very connected with the need to work, to earn, for money, for finances, and it's also very connected with obligation, a sense of duty, responsibility. It has hierarchical types of energy around it as well. It's

Robert Wooten:

not what we would consider pleasant to do. You know, it requires effort. That's not always

Christina Wooten:

the case. I mean, sometimes we really love the work that we do, but we don't love the administration that's involved, or we don't love the process, or we don't love the lack of resources or the support that's there. The point I want to make about working in the spirit side is that working, instead of something that you do and you do for earning, obligation, duty and responsibility, it's connected with the spirit of service, that it's an expression of your natural essence and your natural gifts, and that From that naturally emerges from you, something that you contribute on the other side, that doesn't feel like work to you. It feels effortless. It feels natural, and it serves a greater purpose. It supports your interconnection with all things and all beings. But it's not heavy. It's not something we have to do. It naturally happens by our own expression. And usually I see people it's later that they take on this type of work or position on the other side. So in the beginning stages of when you are transitioning after what we would, you know, consider several years once you're really integrated into the spirit side, is it the point where you would be expressing yourself in this way? But it's usually not something that's happening in those beginning stages. Because you're acclimating. You're really still releasing ego. You are encountering your life review. You're working with your spirit guides in order to accomplish that, and that takes time, if you will, even though time is not the same on the other side, and this work feels effortless. It truly effortless. You know, we we guard our energy in a way, you know, like we're expending energy all the time, and then we're trying to rebuild our energy, and then we're expending energy again. And on the spirit side, we don't have this deficit of energy. It's just constantly and so it's just a natural flow and natural expression. There's no sense of like I'm giving something. It's just it's happening naturally by your expression. Let me give you some examples from different spirits who have come through in readings and explained things that they are doing on the other side. And it's usually an extension of you can see shades of this where it's like, Oh, that makes sense. If you know that person, you know how they were on the other side, and you see truly who they are, you really connect with, Oh, that makes perfect sense. There's always a thread of our consciousness that's connected with that natural talent and gift that we're just expressing on the other side. So it doesn't really always have to be connected with the work that you do here in the physical world, because you might not be, you know, working through your talents, okay, but sometimes there's a little bit of overlay. So I saw once a spirit came through who had been a doctor, and he was describing to me that part of his work on the other side was to work with other doctors and physicians that were still here on the earth plane and to inspire them to have insight around more research that needed to be done, or have more aha moments to help them have a deeper understanding of how the physical body works and how to help heal the physical body. And I thought that was really exciting and interesting that he was working to, in a way, act as spirit guides for groups of people by inspiring them and planting seeds, because he had his own understanding of the physical body that he had developed very much here in the physical world, and now he was able to give back from the other side. I thought that was really beautiful. I saw a woman one time who's told me that part of her work on the other side was to create beautiful spaces, beautiful places for other people to enjoy. And. So she would create these gardens and areas that other spirits could encounter when they were out and about or exploring, and would love and appreciate and almost like an architect on the other side. So that was really interesting. I had a woman recently who come through, who was talking about that she worked in what would be similar to like a NICU. So she would bring through children who had passed away at very young ages. And she was specific to working with children who were passing away at very young ages, and she would greet them and take care of them and help them transition to the other side. So those that had passed, you know as a fetus, or those who you know passed from stillbirth, or just at a very young age, under around the age of one, she was responsible for connecting with them, loving them, nurturing them, and supporting them in their transition to the other side. And it looked very similar to the feeling of a NICU, and just very, but very, very loving, instead of, you know, machine oriented, there was none of that. Was just a very nurturing, caring space. My mom recently had an interesting experience where she had we recently did some episodes about dream visitation and her best friend passed away a little over a year ago, and she hadn't come through for my mom yet, which she was kind of disappointed about. And she was so excited, she called me not too long ago, and around the year anniversary of her passing, she had a dream visitation with her, and she came through and was telling my mom that she was so excited that she was getting ready to go into a light workshop. And my mom's understanding of that was somehow was related to energy, but she didn't understand what that meant. Was confused about what she was talking about, but that she was so happy and so youthful and vibrant, and she was so excited to share that she was getting ready to go into this light workshop. I've seen those on the other side who are helping take care of the animals and being with them and supporting them. So when animals pass away, and their owner hasn't necessarily crossed over yet, and someone's not specifically watching out for them. That there are some people there on the other side who are helping support them and love them and nurture them and share with them at the same time. So there's lots of different things that you can be doing on the other side, but it's all an expression of whatever your natural abilities and gifts are. And I want to point out it doesn't feel like work. It feels like you're giving service and contributing just by being your natural self. I'm

Robert Wooten:

glad you pointed that out, because I'm sure there are listeners who are thinking, Oh, great, I get to go work after I'm done working here. So it's nice to know that it is not what we would consider the same type of work that is something that you feel pleasure, enjoy and fulfillment.

Christina Wooten:

Yeah, it's things you like would naturally gravitate towards if you could just be independently wealthy here on the earth plane, and none of those concerns were there for you. What kind of things would you naturally gravitate towards that is going to tell you more of what you're likely to be doing on the other side. For other people on the other side, we're also doing things like visiting with our loved ones and people that are there on the other side. So you might be reuniting with people that you haven't seen a long time, connecting with your soul family, spending time with the soul family from this particular life that you would have recently disembarked from to also lives before that time. So really, doing deeper work with your soul family and connecting, spending time with them, sharing with those that you really resonate with and connect with. We also spend a lot of time connecting with those that are still here in the physical body, so watching over what's happening with them, being present with what's going on in their lives, being aware of what's happening. Also, I've seen spirits travel with people and talk about, you know, oh, I was with you recently when you went to Paris and went and, you know, saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time. It was really exciting. It was wonderful for you to be able to do that. And I loved watching you. I love the smile on your face that you got. So spirit will spend time with us, even though we sometimes aren't sensing that they're around, that if we tune in and connect, we would sense that they're there, but they're engaged with what's happening in our life. They're celebrating with us a lot of times. They come around with the holidays and are present with us at the holiday table or just in our special traditions. So they're still very connected with us and our family members, in a way, even more so than they could be here in the physical world, because they're not limited by space and time and distance and so forth. So I know this isn't an exhaustive process, because, you know, in the Infinity that's happening on the other side, it's difficult.

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