Modern Life and Spirit Podcast

Starting and Nurturing a Spiritual Business with Jen Haddix #203

Christina Wooten and Robert Wooten Season 3 Episode 203

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Imagine creating a business that doesn’t just support you financially, but also deeply nourishes you on the soul level. In this impactful episode, I sit down with Jen Haddix, a spiritual business coach who believes that starting a spiritual business is one of the most transformative and healing journeys you can take.

If you’ve ever felt a pull to share your spiritual gifts with the world but fear or uncertainty has held you back, this conversation is 100% for you.  Jen and I explore how embracing entrepreneurship as part of your spiritual path can uncover parts of yourself you didn’t know existed, challenge you to grow in ways you never imagined, and ultimately allow you to serve others in a profound way.

This episode is filled with inspiration, encouragement, and practical advice for anyone ready to step out of the shadows and fully embrace their calling. Whether you're thinking of starting a business or already nurturing a spiritual business, this wisdom will help you remember that your dreams are valid and there for a reason!

If you’ve ever doubted your worth, feared failure, or felt lost in the overwhelm of running a business, this episode is a powerful reminder that you are not alone. We'll talk about how you can connect to your higher purpose and create a business that not only thrives but feels deeply aligned with who you are and what you are here to share with the world.

About Jen:

Jen Haddix is a spiritual business coach, certified sound healer, reiki practitioner, 200 RYT yoga teacher, vocalist, and ceremony/retreat facilitator.  Having done a lot of healing work on herself over the years, she's come to believe that all of the answers and healing we need are already within us, we just need to find the tools to help us access it.  She is passionate about helping humans connect with their soul's gifts and radiate their medicine out into the world.  She believes that we live in the Matrix, and our job on Earth is to break free from societal constraints so that we can elevate the world and make it a better place.  To connect or learn more about Jen, visit her website here

Christina Wooten helps you access the wisdom and support of the Spirit World to elevate your life.
She is a Certified Psychic Medium and Reiki Master Teacher.  Christina is the owner of Sedona Medium and co-host of Modern Life and Spirit podcast.

She offers Psychic Medium Readings, Soul Readings, Past Life Regressions, and teaches how you can start communicating and receiving messages from your Spirit Guides - through her program.
Learn more about her offerings here

Want to schedule a personal session with Spirit?  Have a reading with Christina - book now

Want to take more aligned action in your life?  Want to understand the energies at play each month, so you can flow with Divine Timing?  Join the Inner Circle to get access to Monthly Readings with Christina and the Energetic Calendar!

Robert Wooten is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher who loves to help others to increase their life force energy and heal mind/body/Spirit.
Sessions are performed remotely thru Zoom or by phone call, and energetic information received during your session can be recorded and shared,  to assist you on your healing journey.
Learn more about how Robert can help you at

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A spiritual business might be one of the biggest ways that you could ever heal yourself. And I think that the spiritual journey and the business journey are very hand in hand, and you have to look at so much of your shadow stuff in order to do this, but it's one of the best things you'll ever do for yourself. And then you're serving yourself, and you're serving others, and you're making a difference. I

Christina Wooten:

Music. Welcome to the Modern Life and Spirit Podcast where we explore spiritual topics relevant to today's world. Your hosts, certified psychic medium Christina Wooten and Reiki Master Teacher Robert Wooten, break down how to work with spirit to create more positive growth in your life. Consider this podcast your go to spiritual resource for navigating the modern world. Hey there, kinder spirits. Welcome to Modern Life and Spirit podcast. It's Christina Wooten, certified psychic medium at welcome to today's show. I'm really glad to be able to talk about this subject a lot more in depth. We're going to be talking about starting and also nurturing your spiritual business. The truth is, having a spiritual business is its own beast. Has some really unique elements and really unique challenges as people navigate creating a whole new way of serving and sharing with others, and also holding on to their integrity, keeping their principles high, while also being able to continue to invest and serve in their community and serve other people. And you know what the truth is? It brings up a lot of stuff. It mirrors and reflects so much that this spiritual entrepreneur journey is a true, beautiful, healing journey where you are claiming your own energy, you are expressing your heart and your Divine Source energy out into the world in an incredible and evolving way. Today we're going to be talking to Jen Haddix, who is a spiritual business coach, and we're going to tap into her wisdom and knowledge. And I'm also going to just share my experience from being an entrepreneur, from also having lots of spiritual entrepreneur friends who I've loved to see go through many different stages of exploring and sharing their gifts with the world. And those experiences also from people who come to me for readings and some of the things that spirit has to say about that there's so much for us to dive into, whether you are just thinking about starting a business, or you just feel that you have a calling that keeps coming back in but you're not sure how to get over your fears and stresses and your desire for security while stepping into a whole brand new type of world and experience. Or if you are nurturing your business and you are trying to continue to find balance, continue to find Integrity and Authenticity. I know we have so much to unpack. So if you aren't familiar with Jen haddock, she is a spiritual business coach, certified sound healer, Reiki practitioner, a 200 RYT yoga teacher, vocalist and ceremony retreat facilitator. So so much amazing experience, having done a lot of healing work on herself over the years, she's come to believe that all of the answers in healing we need are already within us. We just need to find the tools to help us to access it. She's passionate about helping humans connect with their soul gifts, to radiate their medicine out into the world. She believes that we live in the matrix, and our job on Earth is to break free from societal constraints so that we can elevate the world and make it a better place. Hi, Jen, thank you so much for joining us. All matter, life and spirit. I can't wait to really tap into all of your expertise and everything that you have to share, because you really, I think, cover a lot, and I have so many people who have so many questions about to grow their spiritual business, like, when do they take the leap? When do they know they're being truly guided into spiritual work? And then people who are really in the trenches and wanting to know you know, how to stay in balance, how to stay in integrity with themselves, while also being in a space of business. So I'm so excited to have you here. Thank you for joining us today.


Thank you for having me. I'm super excited. So

Christina Wooten:

can you tell everybody a little bit about what your spiritual journey is like, because you have a spiritual business, and it's probably grown and developed and evolved along the way. How long have you been in business, and what does it look like for you?


So as a spiritual business coach, I've been doing this for a few years, but before that, I started as a yoga teacher. And then I moved into sound healing. And now it's kind of been sort of a mix of all of those different things. And the reason I was led to do spiritual business coaching is partially because of all the work I've done myself, all the things I've learned myself, kind of being in the trenches and doing all of that groundwork, but then also, I am super duper passionate about seeing the light and the power and the talent of others and showing it to them, because a lot of people have that intuitive call, but like we talked about before we got on, some people feel like, Am I good enough? Am I I've got imposter syndrome? Am I really able to do this? Can I really make something happen? And I just have kind of a unique knack for showing that to people, and that's kind of been shown to me over the years, on my spiritual journey and in my business. And so my spiritual journey, just like in a nutshell, would be back in I know where I'm like, I don't know, but I was diagnosed bipolar back in 2016 and I was having a really hard time mentally. I have a lot of trauma that I grew up with, and I met my homeopath, and she kind of was the first person who opened my eyes to an alternative way of seeing things and of healing myself, because they said I was going to be on medication for the rest of my life and all this kind of stuff. And I found her, and long story short, I'm not on medication anymore, and we were able to wean me off, but that opened my eyes to a whole spiritual world that I wasn't even really aware of. And then I went to yoga teacher training. And yoga teacher training really opened me up to more of it, and it's just been kind of an awakening ever since then. And so as of right now, I am primarily a sound healer and then also a spiritual business coach.

Christina Wooten:

Wow. I mean, that's quite a journey of of healing and shifting energies. I mean, that's the theme that came up as you were talking is like transformation, which is what I think business coaching really is, is this, how do we take in, how do we take all this information and energy and transform it and shift it and bring it to a higher vibration. So I heard that while you were talking, as we're all shifting energies here, I usually see people in readings in two places, either they're at this space of I'm feeling, I'm noticing my own spiritual growth, and I'm expanding. And I love serving other people, and I'd love to be able to do this full time where I'm serving and sharing the gifts and the things that make me happy and feel joyful and feel connected, but there's usually something holding them back, whether it's fear or self doubt or, like you said, imposter syndrome. And then I have another group of people who are, you know, come to me for readings, because they know that how important it is, how energy is flowing through your business and flowing through your life, and how those things really intersect, and learning about those energies helps them to transform them and to bring things to the highest and best result always, and make sure somebody's in alignment so people are usually in those two places. For those people that you talked about, who are in this beginning stage, who are wanting to move forward with starting a business, how do you help them discern if it's really for them to start a spiritual business, like, what are the signs that you look for, or the personality traits or the feeling that you get. How do you help people make that decision? It's interesting,


because everybody is so different, and like you said, it's that there's that whole wide range of like. Is this right for me do? How do I know like? And I really think something that I'm leaning into right now in my own business is helping people connect with their authentic selves. And I think so many of us do so many different things because we're supposed to, right? So we want to get the job. We want to have the security. We want to know where the money's coming from. We want to know that we're, you know, making every all the ends meet. But also we want to feel fulfilled, and we want to do this, but I think that a lot of it is actually you need to peel back the layers of conditioning to realize what's true and what isn't. And that's something that I spend a lot of time doing, is helping people realize that what I really see a lot of is there's, let's say somebody has like, a nine to five job, or a regular job or a job that they don't enjoy, and they've been doing it for a while, and they were feeling kind of fulfilled and okay for a little bit, but something has shifted, like you were hearing while I was talking before, something has shifted, and there's this unmistakable feeling that they're just not happy anymore. Or something needs to happen now that is not necessarily going to be like I said, Something definable, but if anybody who is listening to this has just that kind of nudge where they're like, I don't know what it is, but something needs to change. That would be the first thing that I would look for. And I know not everybody is always super in tune with their intuition right away into kind of practice, right? Yeah, but I would say that gut feeling of, I don't know what it is, but something is just missing, or something doesn't feel good anymore, that would be, I guess, number one. And then just knowing that we want to help people, right? And so all of us have gifts. All of us have something that we came here to offer. It's just been kind of pushed down or pushed to the side, because we're supposed to, you know, do the things and make the money or whatever. And I think that is where people want to start to do their own healing work, so that they can get in touch with that gift and feel really good about it.

Christina Wooten:

I think people feel that call long before they act on that call. And you know, it can take years, and for some people, like decades, to get to that space of where they're clearing all the layers of resistance and all the layers of conditioning that they've had around what's safe. I think that there's all these layers of conditioning that has to be let go of and released for people and their old money stories, especially insecurity stories and abandonment fears of if I come out of the intuition closet or the spiritual closet, you know, are people going to accept me and love me, and if I'm my full authentic self, and I'm taking all of this beautiful energy that's been inside for so long, and I show people, how are they going to respond and react to I mean, there's so many blocks that are there that are all really tied in with this deeper healing journey. And I think that having a spiritual business can be this incredible healing tool. Yes, where you really get to see your blocks, you really get to see the, you know, areas where you're still working and you're still healing, and you're still learning to love yourself even more deeply and profoundly and believing that you're worthy of prosperity and that all All work is really at its core, spiritual work. So but I really understood, when you were talking about it being a healing journey, that all layers of it between, whether you're starting it or you're in the trenches with it is this continuous unfolding of like the lotus.


Yes, absolutely, yes. It's a huge healing journey.

Christina Wooten:

So what kind of blocks do you see that seem to like, manifest or come to the surface? A lot for people, what you


mentioned is one of the biggest ones, where people like not even just the intuitive closet, but coming out as your authentic self. Most of my clients and people that I talk to are afraid of being seen. What am I what is my family going to think? What are my friends going to think? Or they think I'm selling too much? Do they think this about me? Do they think I'm ridiculous? That is one of the biggest blocks that I see people have, which is why so much of my work is focused on authenticity, but also, I really do believe that it's a mission that we came to fulfill when we have that call, or feel that calling, to do healing work for others, to help others. I do think that some of us came down here to Earth to do elevating vibrational work in the form of healing. And so what I often tap into is, can you peel back the layers and do the healing enough to know what your mission is, what is your mission and your calling on earth? Because then when you get in touch with that, and you get in touch with your why, it's a lot easier to not worry about what other people think, because you're so focused on the mission, rather than what your friends and family think of your business. And that's something so that's one of the bigger ones that I see. And then something. Being an entrepreneur for a very long time, people are very scared to ask for money. People are scared to send invoices and charge people. Or am I charging too much? Or am I? Am I worth this much? And that is one, like you said, the healing work that it takes to get over those money blocks and knowing that you're worthy of abundance, which I still work on all the time. But that's a really big one. People have a really hard time charging for their services.

Christina Wooten:

Yes, I've had an episode before about intuitive pricing, you know, understanding that there can be an intuitive element to your pricing as well, and an energetic one, because you're exchanging so much energy. So for people who do have that struggle? I hear that all the time of like, you know, oh, it's that awkward moment where you're like, we've all agreed on that this is the price. But then I get to sit down and do it, I just suddenly feel uncomfortable. And I've heard that from so many people, or people who are amazing talents, amazing lights in the world, still have that same awkwardness about them. So how do you talk people through or talk people off that ledge of, like, oh my gosh, right, if you're if you're out there, but you really struggle with that feeling of, you know, I now have to press the button, and then the like anxiety that comes afterwards, like, what's your direction that you give people to shift that to like, really move through it on a higher level, I love


to prescribe inner child work, because I think most of our money blocks and most of our struggles come from things that happened to us when we were children, right? And so inner child work is a really powerful way. A to help people tap into where their money blocks come from, why they feel like they're not worth it. And then I also love calling it an energetic exchange, because that is that's the idea of money is all an energy. So we have all these hang ups about money. We think all these different things about it. And especially in the spiritual community, there's a lot of people that think money is evil, or I don't want too much, and I'm not trying to be money hungry. But what I always say, and what my friend Tana Newberry always says, is, you know, imagine if all the light workers in the world had more money. Imagine the things that we could do and the way that we could change the world if we had more money. Money is simply a tool to help us create more impact. And so those two things together, I think, getting in touch with your inner child and where your money blocks are coming from, and what is causing those feelings, whether it's not feeling valued on the playground, or your parents, you know, kind of giving you those subconscious money blocks from their own stuff that they're kind of putting on to you or whatever, and then also recognizing the impact that you can have when you have enough money, and kind of doing some work around money is evil. Money doesn't grow on trees or all the crap that we say to ourselves about money, right? And so those two things would be the places that I would start to kind of work on that

Christina Wooten:

I love, that I think that that's all of those stories do really originate in childhood, and there we can get a lot of clues about where that stress and anxiety or where their stories might, you know, be. When we look at parents and we look at, you know, how they talked about other people with money, without money, how they interacted with other people, there's so many clues that help us understand some of those subconscious influences. So Denise Duffield Thomas, she wrote, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. I don't know if you've heard of that.


Oh no, I

Christina Wooten:

haven't. It's a great money block book that I always recommend for people who are just sort of exploring their money blocks. And you know, it's a fun read and an easy read, but one of the mantras that she uses her affirmations is, I serve, I deserve. And it's really talking about that sense of like releasing that, you know, you can't ask for an energetic exchange or support in the past, you know, shamans and other people were supported by tribal consciousness and Tribal Unity and support. Everybody offered their highest and best and their gifts, you know, and all of that was shared. And we're so a completely different culture than that now, and our only way of, you know, exchanging things is through this vehicle of money that also has so many weird energies attached. Yeah, so I love what you said about just starting with looking at that inner child work. And then, you know, I also think that I serve I deserve is a good thing to just get in there when you when you go to press that button, instead of, like, the anxiety and awkwardness, just


repeat, I

Christina Wooten:

serve, I deserve. I deserve


to be careful. Yeah, I love that. That's so good. So

Christina Wooten:

I also want to talk about integrity, because I see this a lot, where there's no like, instruction manual. And this is where you come in. I think there's no instruction manual for like, how do I create a spiritual business, a business that aligns to higher values, a business that not only provides a spiritual service, but also operates in a way that reflects spirituality and these higher principles. So what does that look like? And I think integrity is a big part of it, because I see people with that struggle, especially in the first several years, when they're getting started of they're trying to follow some formula that exists for other businesses, for this like capitalism society, instead of leaning into their own gifts, which can be sometimes counterculture and their own intuitive wisdom, and following their own energetic integrity that sometimes goes against the like traditional rules of business or guidelines of business, yep. So how do you talk to people about like, being in integrity with their energy and the results of that? That


is everything you said is exactly why spiritual business coaching exists, right? Because there are so many other coaching models. And while I pull from some things of those that work, because I've done a lot of coaching programs myself, certain systems work, certain funnels, that sort of thing. It really it. It still comes down to being able to tap into your own intuition, doing the healing work so that you can uncover what will feel an integrity for you. Because for all of us, it's going to feel slightly different. And so some people are like, Oh, I have to be on Instagram all the time because I was told that that's how it works. I need to be in D I need that face Exactly. They're like, I was told, I have to do it. I got to go into DMS, and I got to sell. Because this six figure coach said that she sells in DMS, and that's how I have to do it. But it feels terrible to me. I feel gross when I do it. I don't like doing it. And I'm like, Okay, well, then we're not doing that. So when I work with people one on one, I'll be like, what, what? Where do you like to show up? Where is it going to feel good? And what are you going to feel good? Saying, because that's what's going to attract your soul aligned clients. If you go into people's DMS and do some cold sales pitch that you learned from some regular business coach, it's going to feel lucky to you, the other person's going to feel that. And especially when you're attracting spiritual clients. We have a little bit, you know, our antennas are up for a little bit more. So we can feel the BS. We know when somebody's selling, right? And again, when you're in touch with your mission, it doesn't feel like selling, because you're really just trying to give your heart to people. And so, so this is something that it will be kind of vulnerable for me to share with you, but I'm still kind of working on this model, because I actually think that spiritual entrepreneurs are at the front lines of something new. We're at the front lines of a new paradigm. And so I'm still using a few things here and there that I like to call pro marketing, like I'm learning from those systems, and I use them in my own business, but I'm currently creating new systems, and they take a while, and it's hard to explain, because I know all of us want to be making money, and a lot of us are leaving our jobs to start these spiritual businesses, and we need money to continue to make them work, but these systems actually do take a little bit longer, because we're trying to build something that is in integrity, and I think the spiritual community is creating a new way of Doing things, and it's really easy to get distracted by all the six figure coaches that are making it with these crazy funnels or whatever it is that they're doing. And so basically, what I try to get my clients and people in my space to do is follow their intuition, their feel good and their mission. I fill in all the gaps with all the techie stuff. I can help them build all the things that they need to build, or help them work on whatever platforms they want to work on. But if it doesn't feel good to you, it's not going to feel good to the people you're talking to. Yes, that's kind of the basic it's like, it's an intuitive feeling thing, right? I

Christina Wooten:

love that. And I I noticed that with myself, is that I just, I cannot make myself do something if my energy is not there. Yeah, just I no longer can do that. I used to. There was one place where I could be like, well, let me just get this ago. And I just know, as I've shifted and changed, my energy is so strongly in one, you know, vibration, that I just there's no way to get outside of that. So if I'm not there in alignment with it. I just cannot make myself do it. So I love what you said about you. Have to feel it to be able to deliver it, and to deliver it with like heart and intention and that pure energy that you want to convey, that you're sharing with other people, and how important, like our own body and our own mind and how we're perceiving something is connected with also how other people can perceive it as well. So I think that that is huge. Yes, I want you to go a little bit deeper into soul aligned clients. Let's talk about that. Okay,


I love to call it that, because the thing is, is that, and maybe some of your established business owners have experienced this before, when you're newer, and you just take anyone because, oh my god, I'm so excited to help. And you'll take these certain clients that maybe something feels slightly off, but you're excited to a get the energetic exchange and work with somebody and help them. But they've worked with them, and they're like, oh, that didn't feel good at all. Like I kind of, I've had a few clients around. We had to kind of part ways because it just wasn't working, because we didn't have the right energy, because I wasn't speaking from a place of authenticity. I wasn't telling my true story and the things that I actually share, and I just wanted to help anyone. And so a lot of the work that I do, and I actually have a free workbook for this. It's called Find your soul, align clients, on my website, so you can download it and go through some exercises to help you get in touch with the words that you like to use, because the words that you use are the words your solo line client likely is going to resonate with, and the things that are your values, the things that keep you in integrity, the things that you care about, the all of that. And you get in touch with all of that, you start speaking from that place you know what your mission is. You feel really aligned with how you're helping, and you speak in a way that is going to vibrate with your soul aligned clients. So we don't want to work with just anyone you can, but that's not going to make you feel good either. It's the same thing as if you don't want to be on Instagram all day, that's going to feel yucky. If you're working with a bunch of people just because they're paying you money, but they don't feel good, that's going to feel yucky, and then you're healing. To take a back seat, and you're just going to feel like crap, and you will have built yourself into a business that is no better than a job, because you don't like being there. So I really like to do the work with people. And like I said, that workbook is free, so if anybody wants to just pop on there and play with it, that would be really helpful for you. That's

Christina Wooten:



I really believe that we all came here with a specific gift to speak to specific people. There's a when you start talking from your heart and from who you truly are and what you really believe in, there's going to be people that are going to go, Oh, my God, I have been looking for you everywhere. Thank God you exist. I've been waiting for you. And that's the kind of work that I. To focus on.

Christina Wooten:

I think there's so much fear that people get in like, Oh, if I niche down, if I start speaking to this group of people, I'm eliminating all of these other people, and that brings up fear and anxiety. But what I have found, and I think a lot of other spiritual entrepreneurs have found, is that if you do speak from that place of truth, and what resonates for you, then you your vibration is so strong and you begin to really attract more of what you do like to work with without having to compromise. And you know that's all part of that integrity that we were talking about, is being able to speak from that source, the source of, you know, the divine that's flowing through you specifically, that has a voice. It has a perspective. It has an energy that wants to be shared in the world. So if you're trying to be everyone, people, pleasing everywhere, for everything and everyone, you're gonna just dilute that energy that wants to move through and you're not going to serve anyone. You just try and be everything, but you're not being who you truly are. And that has a big effect, not only in that old energy you're talking about, of people being seen, you know, then they start to feel all these like, Oh, I'm not being seen, I'm not being heard, nobody, if they like me, they're not really seeing the real me. So they don't really like the real me, yeah. So then that brings up all this anxiety, all this stress. So I appreciate what you were sharing about that I find sometimes in messages that in readings, that spirit will talk about, like, oh, you should be speaking to this group of people, or people who've had this experience or this and people were like, Oh, I never thought about that before. That makes perfect sense, because I had this in my background, or I had this experience, and I never thought that, you know, I needed to provide this safe space for this group. So I've always found that interesting, and I think that aligns with what you were talking about, is that we have this mission to help other people, and the more that we get clear on what that mission is and share it, the greater our quality of service increases. And people feel that vibration, and they're like, Yes, I know. Like, trust you. I want to connect with you. I want to, like, be in that energy in a deeper way. And I'm ready to, like, dive into it. Absolutely, you brought it up. So let's talk about social media. Yeah, let's talk about it. I think this is a block that I see in a lot of entrepreneurs. I see it in myself, in that, you know, people who are more established are, like, working 80 jobs within their business. So they're like, I'm the housekeeper and the cleaner, I'm the marketer, I'm, you know, running these things. I'm the business developer, I'm the service provider, I'm the receptionist, I'm the, you know, my personal assistant, I'm dealing with tech problems. I'm the banker. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, they're doing all of all of these things, and then it's like that. Now it's content creation and being available all the time. Like, how do you deal with that burnout energy? And how do you advise people to make sure that they are putting their energy in balanced ways, so that they are not just falling into exhaustion, but also meeting the demands of what the market is, which says, like, I want to know you. I want to see your face. I want to, like, get your vibe. And one of the best ways to do that is like, having little doses of learning about your perspective, which seems to come across a lot in social media. What would you say to that?


Well, I always tell my clients, or anybody that I'm talking to about this, you need to find something that's sustainable. So if you see somebody on social media, first of all, first things, first comparison, itis, is real. Try to get yourself away from scrolling and seeing anybody who's doing better than you. For example, there's some woman that I follow who's got like, 250,000 followers. She posts almost every single day, and she's in my same nation like, oh my god, I should do that as much as she does. And I catch myself at it, because that's not going to happen. That's not where I'm at in my business, and I don't like Instagram. And so you want to try to get yourself to get just, just for a while, get all those accounts out of your face and just really focus on yourself, and then be honest with yourself. How often can you show up without going crazy or totally burning yourself out? If you commit to going seven days a week, it's like, it's like, if you were starting a new workout plan, and you're like, I'm gonna go to the gym seven days a week, and then two days in, you haven't done it, and then you beat yourself up, and then you don't go, and then a weekend, you're like, Well, I didn't even do that. And then you just stop. It's nothing's gonna happen, right, right? You go, okay, you know what? I know I can show up once a week on Instagram. I'll do a story post, I'll do a post about teaching or whatever it is, and I'll just start there. And you think you can do that consistently? That's gonna be so much. Better for the people that are looking for you, because they're going to see you show up that you're going to have a consistent amount of content. And it may not be every day, but it's going to be every week. And so I always kind of tell them a that B, pick one that you like. So if you're more of a video person, maybe go on YouTube and play with YouTube and shorts. If Instagram feels like a terrible place for you, you're probably not going to fall in love with it. Maybe start somewhere else, and then eventually you can cross post your stuff to Instagram, or maybe you hire a VA and just give them all your content, they'll put it on Instagram for you. And so that would be the first thing. And so the other thing I say is, if you really don't like social media and you've got a bunch of other balls in the air, you can leave that for later. There are other ways to get clients. You can focus on your SEO, which is not exactly fun. SEO is kind of a whole thing, like a whole rabbit hole to go down. But you could focus on SEO appropriate blogging. I have a lot of my clients do that. You could do ads. You could do there's you could do grassroots stuff. I mean, I get a lot of my clients just by doing events in town. And so there's different things that you can focus on. Social media, it's hard, because you do want to have some presence, right? You don't want to just be totally invisible on social media. But I do recommend different things. Some of my clients like to go on Pinterest, and Pinterest is actually a really fun place to be where there's not as much going on, like on Instagram, where you can just fall into the hole of reels for 10 minutes, and then you're like, where did I go? I thought I was working like, that kind of thing, right? And so while we need to do some of it again, we're creating a new paradigm. And so I think, you know, social media or so, obviously you have to be visible somehow to get people to find you. Yeah, you do want to try to find the space that feels the best for you, where you are right now, and then also be really honest with yourself and try to commit to a consistent schedule that isn't going to totally make you hate your life.

Christina Wooten:

Yes, again, it's that quality, your quality of energy, if you're hating it, that's going to come across in what it is that you put out. People are going to feel it and be like, I don't know that person has a funky vibe, and you know, you're trying to serve them, so it doesn't really work when you're doing that. So I think that that's really important. I know that I had read a stat somewhere, and I don't remember the exact number, but it was a huge portion of people, before they hire someone, or before they work with someone, go to their social media channels first to make sure. So it's like, they'll see the website and be like, Oh, I really like this person's energy. Let me go and check them out on social and get more of a feel for who they are other than pictures. Or like, maybe I don't have 30 minutes to invest in your YouTube channel. So it's like, this is where they get that energy. So I do think that social media is important, but doing it with, you know, love in our hearts, versus just trying to, like, keep up with the Joneses of I had been in a group one time, and they were talking about, oh, you should post, like, three times a day. And I, I just laughed and laughed. I never, never. My wife, like, No, I just, I would be like, on the floor in a fetal position. If I was like, exactly, that's not gonna work. But I like, what you said is, whatever it is, if it's once a week, if it's three times a week, I see a lot of people do three times a week, yeah, it's once a week, three times a week, five times a week, whatever it is is be something that's consistent and that you can really feel like you commit to and put some energy into. And I also think too being flexible for like our energy shifts and changes. Life is happening and things are occurring. So maybe you start with once a week. But down the line, you have more availability, or your kids are a little bit older, things are shifting, and you have more all this creative inspiration that you want to and you start posting more or opposite. If you're in this space where, energetically, you need some more healing time and personal time and connection time, and you give yourself permission to flex in that way. I think that's really important in having a business that has longevity to it is to make sure that it can flex with your energy too. Yeah, going


with the flex and going with the energy is really important because, like you said, people feel your energy. And then another thing that I like to talk about, because most of my clients are women, is going with our our cycles going with our moon cycles, because there are times in our cycles where we are very energetic. We're ready to talk to people. We're ready to do things during our luteal phase. No, I mean, I know for me, my my luteal phase is a nightmare sometimes, and I'm not about to be putting out content or talking to people or taking meetings, and so I am trying to start to encourage that with people, because especially as women and in, like you said, the capitalistic society that we're in and the way that things are going, we're told to show up all the time exactly the same, and we simply don't work that way. And actually, a lot of our magic is in the flow of our cycles. And there's certain times that are more creative. There's certain times. That are more connected, and if you know a little bit about that, you can tap in and use it rather than be frustrated by it.

Christina Wooten:

Oh, I think that's huge. I think that's really good advice. And really good direction is paying attention. I always look at, before I set a retreat or before I set a class, is, where's the full moon? So I'm just looking at like, big picture is like, where's the full moon? Where's Mercury retrograde? Where's the new moon? So I understand, like, what influences are happening. But also, like you were saying, incorporating your personal energy cycles and flows, like there's a system called cards of destiny that really focuses on, you know, your birthday, that shortly before your birthday every year, about six weeks or so that there's like a death cycle that happens. You're releasing the old. You're letting go, so you're a little bit more like, I need me time. I'm retreating, I'm resting. And then right after your birthday, you're like, we all this energy out into the world. And I found that every year I have to be really intentional about incorporating my cycle in. I know like December is a time where I need more, like personal retreat time, but it's also like that end of year when things are really busy. And so how I accommodate that for myself is not that it means I can't do things, but instead I plan ahead and, you know, content, create beforehand, or do things so that it makes my time easier in December, and that way I can still serve and do all the things that I want to do, and still have that accommodation for like, this is my rest time that I really do need to flex into the New Year Absolutely. So everything's about, like, doing it for your own energy, because it's like, connected with your business energy too.


Yes, completely. So

Christina Wooten:

what would you say your number one business tip is for people like, what? What do they absolutely like? What's the foundation? What do they need to know to begin with? For


the people that are starting. I really do think it's definitely about getting in touch with that. Why? Because that's gonna propel you through all of the this is not easy, right? Being an entrepreneur is not I mean, it's rewarding, it's beautiful, it's wonderful, but it's not easy. So when you have a Why, you're gonna be able to go through those hills and valleys and be able to sustain a little bit more and be able to do that longer journey, because it's a long journey, I'm a personal fan of making sure that you have presence somewhere, whether that's a website or a really solid, you know, social media profile or something. So let's say, for example, we've got somebody who's brand new who wants to do tarot readings, and they're already a tarot reader, so they feel really good about that. They're really confident in their ability, but they're like, how do I get myself out there? I just want to start telling people to visit me here. And we have this tendency to feel like, if I don't have it all set, if I don't have everything done, I shouldn't invite anybody to come work with me. And I think it's very much the opposite. I think you can start to work with people as you're building. That's going to teach you a lot about what you need to build. It's going to teach you a lot about who you want to work with. And so if I were a brand new tarot reader who just wanted to start off her readings, I would just create something where people could reach me. So maybe that's Instagram and a Calendly, right? You've got Instagram where you've got a few things on there. You got your name, you got your Calendly. People can book with you, and then you can build all the other stuff as you go. I really like to encourage people to take a little bit of messy action. If you've got something that you're already doing that you want people to partake in, then please get yourself out there somewhere. You don't need a full blown$5,000 website to do that, right? People can still work with you. That makes sense 100%

Christina Wooten:

Yeah. To expand on that, I used to see that in myself, and I have to, I do the same thing now as, like, I would wait, because I'd have, like, this really impactful. I want it to look like this, and it's got to be like this, and it's gonna all these really, you know, technical aspects and like, this is what my end result is. And I've had to learn that there's phases and stages. And so to instead of looking at like, I can't release something until I have this perfect end result that is, like my big picture Dream, which would take years to build, instead is like, what's the stages and to implement and think about things of what's phase one, what's phase two, what's phase three? And I think that comes in, like, people's websites, you know, what's phase one? It can be a homepage, yep, you know, very simple. What's Phase Two for you? Like, how many other maybe you add a couple more pages. So thinking in the phases and taking messy action as you describe, I think, is huge, and I apply that my business now established person all the time, 100% so what about what about people who are in the trenches? What's your number one business tip for them?


I feel like that usually comes down to some of the stuff we've already talked about, which is, you know, the mission alignment and speaking for. Your heart, so that you get the right people, but also visibility, yes, so maybe looking at your current business and where are people finding you, where are you being seen, can you come up with a plan? Like, that's this right now, is what I'm doing for my visibility, right? Like, I'm trying to get myself on more podcast interviews. I do a lot of local news spots right now. I've got a news channel that brings me on in the morning to talk about stuff, that sort of thing. That sort of thing. So I'm finding ways that resonate with me, that feel good to me, to get myself out there. For some people that might be writing articles or writing more blog posts or or coming up with a solid plan to I don't know, Pinterest is coming up a lot because that is one of the most untapped markets where people are actually looking to work with people and to buy. Instagram is almost like a entertainment platform where everyone's like, you know, sell. People are selling, and it's almost overwhelming. People go to Pinterest, actually find solutions and buy. So I would say maybe look at where you are visible, and can you find a way to expand that, because I think one of the main reasons people aren't scaling is because not enough people are finding them. Whatever you have in your established business is likely amazing. Your sole clients can't wait to find you, but they need to be able to find you. And so that would come down to, where am I being visible? And then also, are you doing the healing work to show up authentically. Are you still hiding? Are you still holding back how you want to talk? Like, for me, I actually really like to cuss, and I don't do it all the time, yes, but I do it, and I'm like, I'm not gonna hide that, because that's part of my that's who I am. Even when I touch yoga, sometimes I feel the F word, and people are like, Oh my God. Like, well, it's just it's part of me and I, I like to I'm not gonna hide how I talk. I want to talk about the things that I want to talk about. And so a lot of people that are established might have been playing it safe to get there, and they've had some success, but it might be time to look at that and go, Okay, where am I still not being myself because your clients can't hear you if you're not speaking the way that you need to be speaking? Yeah,

Christina Wooten:

I think that's really beautiful. You know, that just the story of, like, really being yourself, whatever that looks like. I know somebody who went through that same type of journey, but as a reader of that, they really wanted to, you know, be their authentic self in any way that they could. And that involved this, you know, sharing however. They wanted to share, without any sense of filter, but they had so much fear about like, oh my gosh, how are people going to react and how are people going to respond? But she found that those people loved her even more that were her people and those other people, it clarified her vibration and her energy so that other people who didn't resonate with that would would release and let go, and she didn't have to feel afraid of, Oh, what if this person finds out that I have a potty mouth or a sailor mouth, or what if this person and so it fed into this old story underlying for her, of like this fear of being seen, that she wasn't worthy of being loved exactly as she was. That's the big one. Couldn't be the spiritual person if she cussed also. And anyway, it really worked out for her. She had a lot of anxiety about it to begin with, and then one day, she just like, let it all out and let it go, and was completely herself. And it's worked really well for her and for her business. And


think about how healing that was for her. Because, like you were saying earlier, a spiritual business might be one of the biggest ways that you could ever heal yourself. It really makes you look at all of that, and I think that the spiritual journey and the business journey are very hand in hand, and you have to look at so much of your shadow stuff in order to do this, but it's one of the best things you'll ever do for yourself. And then you're serving yourself, and you're serving others, and you're making a difference. It's just some of the best work. I'm so obsessed with it. I

Christina Wooten:

think it is a shadow work journey, and it is tremendously healing, and it's really potent and really powerful. It brings up and reflects your stuff in a big way. But it is some of the highest work you can do in reintegrating that shadow work and doing that inner child work, and feeling like you're actually doing the work is in putting yourself out there in this way. So it is not for the faint of heart, for sure, but those people that have that calling, and it just doesn't go away, or you keep thinking about it, and you keep feeling guided. You know, jump into it. You're gonna learn so much about yourself. Yeah, you're gonna, you know, love this process of discovery and working with people and sharing with people in such an intimate, beautiful way. I mean, it's really, there's nothing else that I can think of that brings this level of illumination into except maybe parenting, like, that's really your trauma in your face, you know, or you're like, right your own mirror in your face. But like, other than that, I feel like it's really this profound awakening that happens for people who steps and step into that sphere. And I would. Yeah, I would remind people too, that not every most spiritual entrepreneurs aren't really money motivated. They want to be safe and they want to be secure, which is, and that's that kind of old system of like, I don't want to release that, but I also, and I want to be abundant, and I know I can be abundant, but I also really don't find that that bottom line that is, what makes me feel fulfilled. You could get all this money or get all the whatever, and it doesn't click those boxes. So people need to understand what really does make you feel fulfilled, and use that as your motivator and make sure your business is geared towards, you, know, helping you and supporting you and giving back to you. And that way to make for most people, I think it's feeling like they're making a difference in the world. So, you know, the best way you can love your spiritual entrepreneur friends, people, if you're listening and you're not starting a business, but you want to love on your friends, is give them a review. Send them a really nice note, you know, tell them how much they mean to you. Tell them how much this you know work, how much you appreciate it, because so much people, you know, enjoy things from the outside, but don't let people know how much they appreciate and how much it serves them and what a difference it makes in their life. And I promise so many people would, I think, be around in business more if that box was being ticked for them, if they felt like that, what really motivates them is to make a difference in the world. If they knew that they were making that difference, I think it would help them move through those hurdles in the entrepreneur, you know, space much easier, and stick with it. So love on your spiritual friends. Love


on them. Yeah? Well, because it's a very lonely road, right? So we love we need to hear that. We need to know that what we're do, because you putting yourself out there all the time, and you're not, you're hearing crickets, and you're like, oh my god, what am I doing? So, yeah, that would be very reviews, love notes, thank yous that's such a beautiful, beautiful thing to say, Yeah, it's

Christina Wooten:

like gratitude exchange, I think really makes a huge difference. Like that makes that to me, I'll live off of those moments more than anything else. Like whenever I'm having a heart be like, oh, you know, this really meant a lot to me, when this person told me, you know, that I really helped them in some way. So, Yep, absolutely, I have gotten so much from this conversation, and I feel like our audience also is just able to maybe see the truth of what it's like. You know, behind the scenes, whether you're thinking about starting a spiritual business, you know, please go do it. Get out there. We need energy out. You don't have to be perfect to be able to serve and to share your love with the world. And for those who are in the trenches, thank you for the work that you're doing, thank you for the love, for all the sacrifices that you make in your life, for all the times you're staying up in the middle of the night and like working on a project or working on your website or dealing with tech stuff, and nobody sees any of that. Please know that you are so loved and so appreciated and all of us benefit when we have a strong spiritual community. So thank you so much for sharing all of your light and all of your experience and energy. How can people reach out to you? I know you mentioned you had this awesome freebie about soul aligned clients. How can they find that? How can they connect with you to just learn more about what kind of work you do? Yeah, so

Unknown:, and it's J E and the little free workbook is at the top on the little banner, so you can click on that. And then I just wanted to quickly share that I just launched the wait list for a program that I'm doing. It's a 12 month program where I basically take all the clients through heal, embody lead and impact. So it is a 12 month transformative program that helps you basically do all that we've talked about, be mission minded, be authentic, do all the healing work so that you can be a leader in your field and really launch a business. There's tech stuff in there too. I do have a lot of tech that I do with my people, but I really do think that the healing and the authenticity is key. And so there's a whole landing page about that on my website, if people want to learn about it. It's called sacred Leadership Academy. So I'm pretty excited about that. And all of that's on my website, so you can find I've got all kinds of stuff on there. I've got a few free resources you can connect with me, and I am incredibly passionate about this. Like you just said, if you want to start a spiritual business, please do it. We need you. The world needs you. You came here for a reason, and I want to do my part to show you your own magic and show you just how powerful you are and what you came here to do. And so that is basically what I'm all about is

Christina Wooten:

your first sacred leadership. Is that a group program? Is it individual? What does it look like?


Oh, it's a group program. And so I have a platform where they can get on an app and chat with everybody else in the group. We're gonna have weekly coaching calls, one on one, monthly coaching calls. I'm gonna have guest speakers in there. I've got all these different modules. And then I also. Have little sound healings and meditations, and there's inner child work, there's shadow work, there's so much stuff in there, but it's going to be a one to many group program. So I because that's the other thing, the community is really big. I do a lot of one on one, but people still feel really lonely. And so I realized what we really need is a group of people that are going through the same thing. So even if you're not in the same state or the same country, you've got someone that you can be like, Oh my god, I was up all night working on my website. I'm so tired, this happened, and you've got people that understand, yeah, so I want to build that community of people that can be in it together

Christina Wooten:

that's huge. And people learn from you know, what other people are going through. Maybe you're not in that stage in your business, but now you know you're given your feedback, they're going to learn about, oh, okay, when I'm in that stage, I need to remember this. It just makes the journey easier when we're doing it together, at least. You know, that's been my experience. The more connected you are, the more it just helps you along the way, and it does. You know, it is nice to have some form of community, one way or the other, with people who really do get it, because they've been there, and that makes a difference. I wanted to ask one last question before we go, yeah. So how do you use your intuition in your business? How does that help you?


So I didn't want to get too deep into this, but I'm really into human design. Are you into human design?

Christina Wooten:

Yeah, we just had somebody come on, I'm a generator. Oh, cool.


Okay. Do you know your authority? I

Christina Wooten:

think it's sacral. Okay.


Do you feel like, do you feel your intuition and your sacral? Or do you feel it differently? I'm curious. I feel like a

Christina Wooten:

gut instinct. I mean, my intuition comes to me in a lot of different ways, but I generally have a very strong like, yes or no when it comes to something like immediate, yes, no, yeah.


So that's very generator, if you write that, aha, or that's how generators are. So I'm a projector, and I'm a self projected projector, which is kind of a rare authority. And so we get clarity by having Sounding Board Authority. So speaking it out loud. So to be honest, I talk to myself all the time, so I'll, like, record myself if I'm trying to make a decision. I can feel it in my gut. I have, you know, I I hear, I mean, I'm kind of probably more clear audience than anything, and Claire sentience. So I feel and I hear, I don't really see a lot, so I have that going on. But my human design living, my human design, has changed how I do my business. It's changed how I interact with people, and it's literally changed my life. And so when it comes to, like, business decisions, if I'm really not sure about something, I literally record myself talking about it, and then I listen back to it and try to hear the tone of my voice and my excitement or my frustration or whatever. Yeah, yeah, so, but that's that's specific to my authority being self projected. It's G center authority. But yeah, that's kind of mostly how I tap into my intuition. So for me, it's really important to have a close circle of friends that I can talk to about this kind of stuff. And so I have, I I'm very selective about who I have in my life, and I've got a few entrepreneur friends that I can, you know, self project to and kind of get some clarity. So that's how I personally do it. So yeah, for people that are listening, if you've not done your human design, probably go listen to the expert who talked about it, because I'm definitely not an expert. But do your chart, and then kind of look at the top three things, your type, like generator, projector, manifesto, generator, your authority and your not self theme, because for me, it's bitterness, and I know when I'm not living myself, I feel bitter about other people being successful, and so if you focus on those things, it starts to shift you. Yeah, Claire

Christina Wooten:

talked about that. You know, I think frustration was the theme for the generation, the not self theme. So, yeah, we talked about that with a self care, self care strategies, with human design, with Claire. So those who are listening, you might want to check that one out. But I love what you said about the voice, because I think if I pay attention to the vibration of your voice, if you say something that's not true, you're going to get that feedback. Either you feel that tension in your throat or you feel it in your solar plexus. Of like, I heard that echo back and that was a lie, you know. Like, Oh darn, yeah. So that's such a good way of doing it is like, whether you're talking to someone or just saying it out loud, like that gives more space to just okay, this is how I can process and get that feedback. So thank you so much for sharing that. I think that's awesome, of course,



Christina Wooten:

Thank you so much. This was fabulous. I really enjoy getting to know you, and I think a lot of people are gonna really resonate with so much of the things that you said, especially some of that fear of visibility and fear of speaking out, and the people who are on a journey like resonating with that loneliness, I think that'll be really helpful. Yay. Well, thank



Christina Wooten:

It was nice to meet you. Have a good one.


You, too. Bye. The

Robert Wooten:

modern life and spirit podcast is for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to provide medical, psychological legal or financial advice. Information provided is not to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological illness. To read the full disclaimer, see Sedona medium. Com, you.

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